I have an array of type Object
and you need to remake it in an array String
I do it like this:
public static string [] convertorobjectToString (Object [] Objarr)
String [] Strarr = Arrays.Copyof (Objarr, Objarr.Length, String []. Class);
Return Strarr;
But I get a mistake:
What’s wrong?
Answer 1, Authority 100%
Error says that the source array is not all consisting of string.
can be done more reliable:
string [] Strarr = New String [Objarr.Length]
For (int i = 0; I & LT; Objarr.Length; I ++) {
Answer 2, Authority 25%
And so it is impossible. If you in the source array are stored Object and their actual type is not string, then they cannot be put into the string array [].
You can of course call the source array at the TOSTRING () method as @andrew Bystrov.