Home java Manifest Merger Failed: Attribute Application @ AppComponentFactory Value = (Android.Support.v4.app.coreComponentFactory)

Manifest Merger Failed: Attribute Application @ AppComponentFactory Value = (Android.Support.v4.app.coreComponentFactory)




How to solve this error?

Manifest Merger Failed: Attribute Application @ AppComponentFactory Value = (Android.Support.v4.app.CoreComponentFactory) from [com.android.support:support-compat:28.0.0] Androidmanifest.xml: 22: 18-91
IS ALSO PRESENT AT [AndroidX.core: Core: 1.0.0] Androidmanifest.xml: 22: 18-86 Value = (AndroidX.core.app.coreComponentFactory).
Suggestion: Add ‘Tools: Replace = “Android: AppComponentFactory”‘ To Element at Androidmanifest.xml: 16: 5-324: 19 to override.

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Do you conflict libraries com.android.support:support-compat:28.0.0 and androidx.core: Core: 1.0.0

AndroidX libraries came to the SUPPORT change. They contain the same classes, because it is impossible to use Android X and Support in one project. Soon, Support will stop updating, therefore I recommend it to all translate to AndroidX. This can be done automatically, in the Refactoring menu at the bottom locate the Migrate to Android button. Make a backup that will offer you a studio, because Sometimes migration is not without any problems and there is still something else to edit

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