Home java Override Tostring Java

Override Tostring Java




Hello everyone! Someone can help me with one point, I write a program that takes the ArrayList objects of different classes, namely, from trial_exam, trial_test and trial_final_exam, which are inherited from super class trial, and in order to output these objects with variables , It is necessary to override the Tostring method, but when I override this method in a super class, I can not contact the heir variables, so, is somebody can tell me how to override the method in a super class so that you can take the heirs’ variables?)

Class Main:

import java.io.bufferedReader;
Import java.io.ioException;
Import java.io.InputStreamReader;
Import java.util.arraylist;
Import java.util.list;
Import java.util.scanner;
Public Class Main {
  Public Static Void Main (String [] Args) Throws IoException {
    ArrayList & LT; Trial & GT; TrialaRrayList = New ArrayList & LT; Trial & GT; ();
    do {
    System.out.PrintLN ("Welcome! Choose the option you are interested in");
    System.out.PrintLN ("1. Add a new element");
    System.Out.printLN ("2. Remove the index element");
    System.Out.printLN ("3. Withdraw all elements in the console");
    System.out.PrintLN (4. Comparison of two elements ");
    System.out.printLN ("5. Exit");
    System.Out.print ("& gt;");
    Scanner Scanner = New Scanner (System.in);
    do {
      BufferedReader Reader = New BufferedReader (new inputStreamReader (System.in));
      Number = Reader.ReadLine ();
    } While (! Isnumeric (Number) ||! Prov_na_Diap (Number));
      Switch (Number) {
        Case "1":
          System.Out.printLN ("OK, let's add a new item, only, click:");
          System.out.printLN ("1 - If you want to add an item, such as \" Exam \ "");
          System.out.PrintLN ("2 - If you want to add an item, such as \" test \ "");
          System.out.PrintLN ("3 - if you want to add an item, such as \" final exam \ "");
          do {
            BufferedReader Reader = New BufferedReader (new inputStreamReader (System.in));
            Number = Reader.ReadLine ();
          } While (! isnumeric (Number) ||! Prov_na_Diapazon (Number)); // View later
          STRING NAME = NULL;
          String Score_Test = NULL;
          int numer = 0;
          int score = 0;
          int yar = 0;
          if (number.equals ("1")) {
            System.Out.print ("Enter the name of the ticket:");
            Name = Scaner.NextLine ();
            System.Out.print ("Enter the rating:");
            score = scaner.nextint ();
            While (True) {
              System.Out.print ("Enter the ticket number:");
              If (! scaner.hasnextint ()) {
                System.out.PrintLN ("Incorrect data, try again!");
                Scaner.NextLine ();
              } else {
                numer = scaner.nextint ();
                Scaner.NextLine ();
            Trial_exam Exam = New Trial_exam (Name, Numer, Score);
            TrialarRayList.add (exam);
            System.out.PrintLN (exam.name_of_tick + "" + exam.num_of_tick + "" + exam.score);
          ELSE If (number.equals ("2")) {
            System.Out.print ("Enter the test name:");
            Name = Scaner.NextLine ();
            System.Out.print ("Enter the estimate (\\ \\ q.)");
            Score_Test = Scaner.NextLine ();
            While (True) { 
System.Out.print ("Enter the number of the option:");
              If (! scaner.hasnextint ()) {
                System.out.PrintLN ("Incorrect data, try again!");
                Scaner.NextLine ();
              } else {
                numer = scaner.nextint ();
                Scaner.NextLine ();
            Trial_Test Test = New Trial_Test (Name, Numer, Score_Test);
            TrialaRrayList.add (test);
            System.Out.printLN (test.test_name + "" + test.num_of_var + "" + test.test);
          ELSE If (Number.equals ("3")) {
            System.Out.print ("Enter the name of the Scientist:");
            Name = Scaner.NextLine ();
            System.Out.print ("Enter the student name:");
            name_stud = scaner.nextline ();
            While (True) {
              System.Out.print ("Enter the year of release:");
              If (! scaner.hasnextint ()) {
                System.out.PrintLN ("Incorrect data, try again!");
                Scaner.NextLine ();
              } else {
                year = scaner.nextint ();
                Scaner.NextLine ();
            While (True) {
              System.Out.print ("Enter the rating:");
              If (! scaner.hasnextint ()) {
                System.out.PrintLN ("Incorrect data, try again!");
                Scaner.NextLine ();
              } else {
                numer = scaner.nextint ();
                Scaner.NextLine ();
            trial_final_exam final_exam = new trial_final_exam (Name, Name_Stud, Year, Numer);
            Trialarraylist.add (Final_exam);
            System.out.PrintLN (final_exam.title_of_the_rep + "" + Final_exam.students_name + ""
                + final_exam.year_of_issue + "" + Final_exam.score);
        Case "2":
          System.out.PrintLN ("OK, let's delete the item, only, click:");
          System.out.PrintLN ("1 - If you want to delete an item, type \" Exam \ "");
          System.out.PrintLN ("2 - If you want to remove an item, type \" test \ "");
          System.out.PrintLN ("3 - If you want to remove an item, like \" final exam \ "");
          do {
            BufferedReader Reader = New BufferedReader (new inputStreamReader (System.in));
            Number = Reader.ReadLine ();
          } While (! isnumeric (Number) ||! Prov_na_Diapazon (Number));
          if (number.equals ("1")) {
            If (trialarraylist.size () == 0) {
              System.Out.printLN ("Your list is empty, first of all, add elements to it");
            ELSE {
              System.Out.printLN ("Your list of items in the list:");
                System.out.PrintLN (trialarraylist.tostring ());
        Case "3":
        Case "4":
        Case "5":
          System.Out.printLN ("Thank you for work, goodbye");
    } While (integer.paraseint (Number)! = 5);
  Public Static Boolean Isnumeric (String Str) {
    Try {
      Double.Parsedouble (STR);
} Catch (NumberFormateException E) {
      System.out.printLN ("Incorrect input, please repeat an attempt");
  Public Static Boolean Prov_Na_Diap (String Str) {
    int str_to_int = integer.paraseint (STR);
    if ((STR_TO_INT & GT; = 1 & AMP; STR_TO_INT & LT; = 5)) RETURN TRUE;
    ELSE {
      System.out.printLN ("Incorrect input, please repeat an attempt");
  Public Static Boolean Prov_Na_DiaPazon (String Str) {
    int str_to_int = integer.paraseint (STR);
    if ((STR_TO_INT & GT; = 1 & amp; str_to_int & lt; = 3)) Return True;
    ELSE {
      System.out.printLN ("Incorrect input, please repeat an attempt");
  Public String Tostring () {
    Return super.Tostring ();

Trial class:

Import java.security.publickey;
Import java.util.Objects;
Public Class Trial {
  String Test;
  Public String Tostring (String Tnname, Int Num, String Restest) {
    Return "Test for the subject:" + TNName + ", option number:" + Num + ", Evaluation:" + Restest;
  Public String Tostring (String Nametick, Int Numtic, Int Resexam) {
    Return "Tame of the ticket" + Nametick + ", ticket number:" + NUMTIC + ", Rating:" + resexam;
  Public String Tostring (String Namedio, String Namestud, Int Yearofis, Int Resexam) {
    Return "The name of the diploma:" + Namedio + ", the name of the student:" + namestud + ", year of release:" + yearofis + ", Calling:" + Resexam;
  Public Boolean Equals (Object O) {
    if (this == o) Return True;
    if (O == NULL || getClass ()! = O.Getclass ()) Return False;
    Trial Trial = (Trial) O;
    Return Score == Trial.score & amp; & amp; Objects.equals (test, trial.test);
  Public int hashcode () {
    Return Objects.hash (Test, Score);
  Public String Tostring () {

class Trial_Exam:

Public Class Trial_EXAM EXTENDS Trial {
  String Name_of_Tick;
  Trial_Exam (String Name_of_Tick, INT Num_of_Tick, Int Score) {
    this.name_of_tick = name_of_tick;
    this.num_of_tick = num_of_tick;
    this.score = score;
  Public String Tostring () {
    Return "Trial_Exam {" +
        "name_of_tick = '" + name_of_tick +' \ '' +
        ", num_of_tick =" + num_of_tick +

Class Trial_Test:

Public Class Trial_Test Extends Trial {
  String Test_Name;
  Trial_Test (String Test_Name, Int Num_of_Var, String Test) {
    this.test_name = test_name;
    this.num_of_var = num_of_var;
    this.Test = Test;
  Public String Tostring () {
    Return "Trial_Test {" +
        "test_name = '" + test_name +' \ '' +
        ", num_of_var =" + num_of_var +

Class Trial_Final_exam:

Public Class Trial_Final_EXAM EXTENDS Trial {
  String title_of_the_rep;
  String Students_Name;
  int year_of_issue;
  trial_final_exam (string title_of_the_rep, String Students_Name,
    this.title_of_the_rep = title_of_the_rep;
    this.students_name = students_name;
    this.year_of_issue = year_of_issue;
    this.score = score;
  Public String Tostring () {
    Return "trial_final_exam {" +
        "TITLE_OF_THE_REP = '" + TITLE_OF_THE_REP +' \ '' +
        ", Students_Name = '" + Students_name +' \ '' +
        ", year_of_issue =" + year_of_issue +

Answer 1, Authority 100%

OK, Well, I figured out, it was necessary to override the Tostring method in each class the heir and then use either iterator or the Tostring method.
If someone needs, again:

Class Main:

import java.io.bufferedReader;
Import java.io.ioException;
Import java.io.InputStreamReader;
Import java.util.arraylist;
Import java.util.iterator;
Import java.util.list;
Import java.util.scanner;
Public Class Main {
  Public Static Void Main (String [] Args) Throws IoException {
    ArrayList & LT; Trial & GT; TrialaRrayList = New ArrayList & LT; Trial & GT; ();
    do {
    System.out.PrintLN ("Welcome! Choose the option you are interested in");
    System.out.PrintLN ("1. Add a new element");
    System.Out.printLN ("2. Remove the index element");
    System.Out.printLN ("3. Withdraw all elements in the console");
    System.out.PrintLN (4. Comparison of two elements ");
    System.out.printLN ("5. Exit");
    System.Out.print ("& gt;");
    Scanner Scanner = New Scanner (System.in);
    do {
      BufferedReader Reader = New BufferedReader (new inputStreamReader (System.in));
      Number = Reader.ReadLine ();
    } While (! Isnumeric (Number) ||! Prov_na_Diap (Number));
      Switch (Number) {
        Case "1":
          System.Out.printLN ("OK, let's add a new item, only, click:");
          System.out.printLN ("1 - If you want to add an item, such as \" Exam \ "");
          System.out.PrintLN ("2 - If you want to add an item, such as \" test \ "");
          System.out.PrintLN ("3 - if you want to add an item, such as \" final exam \ "");
          do {
            BufferedReader Reader = New BufferedReader (new inputStreamReader (System.in));
            Number = Reader.ReadLine ();
          } While (! isnumeric (Number) ||! Prov_na_Diapazon (Number)); // View later
          STRING NAME = NULL;
          String Score_Test = NULL;
          int numer = 0;
          int score = 0;
          int yar = 0;
          if (number.equals ("1")) {
            System.Out.print ("Enter the name of the ticket:");
            Name = Scaner.NextLine ();
            System.Out.print ("Enter the rating:");
            score = scaner.nextint ();
            While (True) {
              System.Out.print ("Enter the ticket number:");
              If (! scaner.hasnextint ()) {
                System.out.PrintLN ("Incorrect data, try again!");
                Scaner.NextLine ();
              } else {
                numer = scaner.nextint ();
                Scaner.NextLine ();
            Trial_exam Exam = New Trial_exam (Name, Numer, Score);
            TrialarRayList.add (exam);
            System.out.PrintLN (exam.name_of_tick + "" + exam.num_of_tick + "" + exam.score);
          ELSE If (number.equals ("2")) {
            System.Out.print ("Enter the test name:");
            Name = Scaner.NextLine ();
            System.Out.print ("Enter the estimate (\\ \\ q.)");
            Score_Test = Scaner.NextLine ();
            While (True) {
              System.Out.print ("Enter the number of the option:");
              If (! scaner.hasnextint ()) {
                System.out.PrintLN ("Incorrect data, try again!");
                Scaner.NextLine ();
              } else {
                numer = scaner.nextint ();
                Scaner.NextLine (); 
            Trial_Test Test = New Trial_Test (Name, Numer, Score_Test);
            TrialaRrayList.add (test);
            System.Out.printLN (test.test_name + "" + test.num_of_var + "" + test.test);
          ELSE If (Number.equals ("3")) {
            System.Out.print ("Enter the name of the Scientist:");
            Name = Scaner.NextLine ();
            System.Out.print ("Enter the student name:");
            name_stud = scaner.nextline ();
            While (True) {
              System.Out.print ("Enter the year of release:");
              If (! scaner.hasnextint ()) {
                System.out.PrintLN ("Incorrect data, try again!");
                Scaner.NextLine ();
              } else {
                year = scaner.nextint ();
                Scaner.NextLine ();
            While (True) {
              System.Out.print ("Enter the rating:");
              If (! scaner.hasnextint ()) {
                System.out.PrintLN ("Incorrect data, try again!");
                Scaner.NextLine ();
              } else {
                numer = scaner.nextint ();
                Scaner.NextLine ();
            trial_final_exam final_exam = new trial_final_exam (Name, Name_Stud, Year, Numer);
            Trialarraylist.add (Final_exam);
            System.out.PrintLN (final_exam.title_of_the_rep + "" + Final_exam.students_name + ""
                + final_exam.year_of_issue + "" + Final_exam.score);
        Case "2":
          System.out.PrintLN ("OK, let's delete the item, only, click:");
          System.out.PrintLN ("1 - If you want to delete an item, type \" Exam \ "");
          System.out.PrintLN ("2 - If you want to remove an item, type \" test \ "");
          System.out.PrintLN ("3 - If you want to remove an item, like \" final exam \ "");
          do {
            BufferedReader Reader = New BufferedReader (new inputStreamReader (System.in));
            Number = Reader.ReadLine ();
          } While (! isnumeric (Number) ||! Prov_na_Diapazon (Number));
          if (number.equals ("1")) {
            If (trialarraylist.size () == 0) {
              System.Out.printLN ("Your list is empty, first of all, add elements to it");
            ELSE {
              System.Out.printLN ("Your list of items in the list:");
              ITERATOR & LT; Trial & GT; trialiterator = trialarraylist.iterator ();
              While (trialiterator.hasnext ()) {
                Trial NextTrial = trialiterator.next ();
                System.out.PrintLN ("-" + NextTrial);
        Case "3":
        Case "4":
        Case "5":
          System.Out.printLN ("Thank you for work, goodbye");
    } While (integer.paraseint (Number)! = 5);
  Public Static Boolean Isnumeric (String Str) {
    Try {
      Double.Parsedouble (STR);
    } Catch (NumberFormateException E) {
      System.out.printLN ("Incorrect input, please repeat an attempt");
Public Static Boolean Prov_Na_Diap (String Str) {
    int str_to_int = integer.paraseint (STR);
    if ((STR_TO_INT & GT; = 1 & AMP; STR_TO_INT & LT; = 5)) RETURN TRUE;
    ELSE {
      System.out.printLN ("Incorrect input, please repeat an attempt");
  Public Static Boolean Prov_Na_DiaPazon (String Str) {
    int str_to_int = integer.paraseint (STR);
    if ((STR_TO_INT & GT; = 1 & amp; str_to_int & lt; = 3)) Return True;
    ELSE {
      System.out.printLN ("Incorrect input, please repeat an attempt");
  Public String Tostring () {
    Return super.Tostring ();

Trial class:

Import java.security.publickey;
Import java.util.Objects;
Public Class Trial {
  String Test;
  Public String Tostring (String Tnname, Int Num, String Restest) {
    Return "Test for the subject:" + TNName + ", option number:" + Num + ", Evaluation:" + Restest;
  Public String Tostring (String Nametick, Int Numtic, Int Resexam) {
    Return "Tame of the ticket" + Nametick + ", ticket number:" + NUMTIC + ", Rating:" + resexam;
  Public String Tostring (String Namedio, String Namestud, Int Yearofis, Int Resexam) {
    Return "The name of the diploma:" + Namedio + ", the name of the student:" + namestud + ", year of release:" + yearofis + ", Calling:" + Resexam;
  Public Boolean Equals (Object O) {
    if (this == o) Return True;
    if (O == NULL || getClass ()! = O.Getclass ()) Return False;
    Trial Trial = (Trial) O;
    Return Score == Trial.score & amp; & amp; Objects.equals (test, trial.test);
  Public int hashcode () {
    Return Objects.hash (Test, Score);
  Public String Tostring () {
    Return "Trial {" +
        "Test = '" + Test +' \ '' +
        ", score =" + score +

class Trial_Exam:

Public Class Trial_EXAM EXTENDS Trial {
  String Name_of_Tick;
  Trial_Exam (String Name_of_Tick, INT Num_of_Tick, Int Score) {
    this.name_of_tick = name_of_tick;
    this.num_of_tick = num_of_tick;
    this.score = score;
  Public String Tostring () {
    Return "Trial_Exam {" +
        "name_of_tick = '" + name_of_tick +' \ '' +
        ", num_of_tick =" + num_of_tick +
        ", score =" + score +

Class Trial_Test:

Public Class Trial_Test Extends Trial {
  String Test_Name;
  Trial_Test (String Test_Name, Int Num_of_Var, String Test) {
    this.test_name = test_name;
    this.num_of_var = num_of_var;
    this.Test = Test;
  Public String Tostring () {
    Return "Trial_Test {" +
        "test_name = '" + test_name +' \ '' +
        ", num_of_var =" + num_of_var +
        ", Test =" + Test +

Class Trial_Final_exam:

Public Class Trial_Final_EXAM EXTENDS Trial {
  String title_of_the_rep;
  String Students_Name;
  int year_of_issue;
  trial_final_exam (string title_of_the_rep, String Students_Name,
    this.title_of_the_rep = title_of_the_rep;
    this.students_name = students_name;
    this.year_of_issue = year_of_issue;
    this.score = score;
  Public String Tostring () {
    Return "trial_final_exam {" +
        "TITLE_OF_THE_REP = '" + TITLE_OF_THE_REP +' \ '' +
        ", Students_Name = '" + Students_name +' \ '' +
        ", year_of_issue =" + year_of_issue +
        ", score =" + score +

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