Home java reading json from file using gson

reading json from file using gson




Trying to tritely read the JSON file, followed by creating a class object, but nothing comes out, BufferedReader does not even read the file, although in the examples it is directly transmitted to the GSON, dependency in the POM file added ..

JSON itself of this format

 "Student": [{
  "Name": "Ivan",
  "SURNAME": "Ivanov",
  }, {
   "Name": "Peter",
  "SURNAME": "Ivanov",

created two classes

Public Class Pojostudents
   String Name;
   String Surname;


Public Class GeneralStudents {
  List & lt; Pojostudents & gt; General;

Class Main

import java.io.bufferedReader;
Import java.io.FileReader;
Import com.google.gson.gson;
  Public Class Main.
    Public Static Void Main (String [] Args) Throws Exception
      GSON GSON = NEW GSON ();
      BufferedReader Br = New BufferedReader (New FileReader ("D: \\ Students.json"));
      GeneralStudents Students = Gson.Fromjson (Br, GeneralStudents.class);

Answer 1, Authority 100%

You have the wrong variable name in the main class:

Public Class GeneralStudents {
  List & lt; Pojostudents & gt; General;

should be instead of Student instead of general

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