Home java Translation of LatlNG coordinates (longitude, latitude) into a rectangular coordinate system (meters.)

Translation of LatlNG coordinates (longitude, latitude) into a rectangular coordinate system (meters.)




When working with Google Maps API for Android, the coordinates are issued in the values ​​of longitude and latitude. You need to translate these values ​​to meters. Are there any libraries for this not to reinvent the bike? I write on java.

Answer 1, Authority 100%

The necessary functionality was described in the classes this project. To convert from the geographical coordinate system in UTM, you can use the following code:

utmcoord = utmcoord.fromlatlon (angle.fromdegreeslatitude (Latitude), angle.FromDegreeslongitude (Longitude));

We get the result in the form: 41 N 371734.70589118626e 6293516.067325422n, where the values ​​371734.70589118626e 6293516.067325422n are expressed in meters.

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