Learn Java SE to use on the web. So I can not understand what the Enterprise Edition. C SE Everything is clear – a set of different libraries that are supplied with java, compiler there and all similar.
But Java EE is some kind of mystery. Wikipedia says that Java EE is Java SE with very good specifications, scaling ability and all that other. But what really means? Does SE have a bad specification?
In the description “for dummies,” it says that Java EE is Java SE with dynamically changing libraries. What is it like ? If meaning the update, then there is Maven on SE and all that, why then EE?
It is often said that Java EE is needed for server developments. But why ? Surveys without any problems can be added to Java SE. To use a backend server, you can use the Jetty library. And all this SE …
Personally, I still do not understand at all what happens in the Java EE world. Can anyone bring an example of using or write than EE can really help?
Answer 1, Authority 100%
Something you did not read in Wikipedia, or did not understand. Wikipedia does not say that Java EE is Java SE.
Java EE is a set of specifications and relevant documentation for the Java language describing the architecture of the server platform for the tasks of medium and large enterprises. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/java_platform ,_enterprise_edition
Yes, if you write a server on Jetty, it will not be Java EE (it will have Java EE since the 7th version of Jetty). But Java EE is not one servlets, there enters JSP, EJB, CDI, JPA and a bunch of other specifications (see the link to Wikipedia).
In practice, J2EE is a basic set of interfaces / classes / annotations, and already implementing applications servers – WildFly, Glassfish, WebSphere and others.
Is SE a bad specification?
not bad, these are different specifications.
In the description “for teapots,” it says that Java EE is Java SE with dynamically changing libraries.
But why? Surveys without any problems can be added to Java SE. To use a backend server, you can use the library Jetty.
jetty This is a servlet container, it is roughly the implementation of the J2EE part (with the 7th Vresiya supports the Servlet 2.5 API, with the 8th 3.0). As, for example, Weld is one of the implementations of CDI. You can use it individually, you can all together. You can take N technologies J2EE and associate yourself, it turns out a curve-tie application server. Although it is better to take ready)
And all this SE …
and jetty This is SE, and other frameworks are SE, and half of the Java classes are also SE. If there is a desire, you can write everything from scratch.
Personally, I still do not understand what happens in the world Java Ee.
I advise you to read from and to at least one book on J2EE.
Can anyone bring an example of using or write than EE really can help?
Each specification from J2EE helps you with something, you can use them individually or in the complex, depending on your tasks.
For example: CDI – a convenient injection of dependencies, you do not need to write a bunch of excess code or modules for Guice, JPA – convenient work with the database at objects, EJB is a convenient writing of business logic, JAX-WS – support for web services, servlets – processing HTTP requests etc.
Allow one programmer to use Java SE, and the second Java EE and look at how much they decide any task associated with the web.
Answer 2, Authority 16%
Java EE – created on the basis of the Java SE platform and provides a set of technologies for developing and implementing portable error-resistant, scalable, reliable and secure server applications.
But about the difference between Java EE and J2EE, you can read here:
http://www.orcle.com/ TechNetwork / Java / Javaee / Javaee-FAQ-JSP-135209.html # diff
Well, in fact, for more deepening in Java SE – you can learn the scheme, to understand the technology and the work of the virtual machine:
http://www.orcle.com/techNetwork/java/javase/ tech / index.html