It is necessary to get the result of GET
query Android
and the return value from the method.
Solved! Thank you all for your participation!
public void sayHello (View view) throws IOException {
Thread httpThread = new Thread (new Runnable () {
public void run () {
String mybla = sendGet ();
httpThread.start ();
private String sendGet () {
Try {
String mystr = "";
URL obj = new URL (mystr);
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection ();
con.setRequestMethod ( "GET");
con.setRequestProperty ( "User-Agent", "Mozilla / 5.0");
con.setRequestProperty ( "Accept-Charset", "UTF-8");
InputStream response = con.getInputStream ();
Scanner s = new Scanner (response) .useDelimiter ( "\\ A");
String result = s.hasNext ()? (): "";
catch (Exception e) {
return e.toString ();
Answer 1, Authority 100%
All of doing the right thing. To read the stream and get out of it String
, can use, for example, library Apache commons IOUtils
( off. site). With its help:
String result = IOUtils.toString (inputStream);
If predpochetaete the way without third-party libraries (which I welcome because it allows you to learn something new about the language in which you are a beginner), do like this:
Scanner s = new Scanner (inputStream) .useDelimiter ( "\\ A");
String result = s.hasNext ()? (): "";
Wrap in
new Thread (new Runnable () {
public void run () {
// call your code to a network request
.}) Start ();
When your query returned a result within your Thread
, to change the interface element you need to do it from the UI-thread. To do this, use the Context.runOnUiThread ();
Answer 2
The code using liby OkHttp
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder () build ().;
String url = ...;
Request.Builder request = new Request.Builder ();
request.url (url);
request.get ();
. Response response = client.newCall ( ()) execute ();
. String response = response.body () string ();
System.out.println (response);
It is necessary to remember that requests for android in the network can be done with API14 just outside the UI thread. For example through AsynkTask, Thread etc