Home javascript Calendar with notes

Calendar with notes




I want to make a calendar with notes, like google calendar, data to chop outless where, at least in notebook
How it is generally called, I can not find anything like this in Google, schedule? Calendar with notes? Diary? WEEKLY CALENDAR?
Language is also not important JQ or JS, the main thing is that there is a calendar and a field for entering and maintaining a note, no clock is needed

something like that

stopped at the version @ grum231, remains to preserve fasten

& lt;! doctype HTML & gt;
& lt; html & gt;
& lt; Head & gt;
& lt; Meta Charset = 'UTF-8' / & GT;
& lt; link href = '.. / lib / main.css' rel = 'stylesheet' / & gt;
& lt; script src = '.. / lib / main.js' & gt; & lt; / script & gt;
& lt; script & gt;
 Document.AddeventListener ('DomContentLoaded', Function () {
  var calendarel = document.getelementByid ('Calendar');
  Var Calendar = New FullCalendar.Calendar (Calendarel, {
   Headertoolbar: {
    Left: 'Prev, Next Today',
    Center: 'Title',
    Right: 'DayGridmonth, Timegridweek, TimeGridDay'
   initialdate: '2020-09-12',
   Navlinks: True, // CAN Click Day / Week Names to Navigate Views
   Selectable: True,
    Var title = Prompt ('Event Title:');
    If (title) {
     calendar.addevent ({
      Title: title,
      Start: arg.start,
      End: arg.end,
      Allnday: arg.alldayy.
    calendar.unselect ()
   EventClick: Function (ARG) {
    if (Confirm ('Are You Sure You Want To Delete This Event?')) {
     arg.event.remove ()
   Editable: True,
   DayMaxEvents: True, // Allow "More" Link WHEN TOO MANY EVENTS
   Events: [
     Title: 'All Day Event',
     Start: '2020-09-01'
     Title: 'Long Event',
     Start: '2020-09-07',
     End: '2020-09-10'
     Groupid: 999,
     Title: 'Repeating Event',
     Start: '2020-09-09T16: 00: 00'
     Groupid: 999,
     Title: 'Repeating Event',
     Start: '2020-09-16T16: 00: 00'
     Title: 'Conference',
     Start: '2020-09-11',
     End: '2020-09-13'
     Title: 'Meeting',
     Start: '2020-09-12t10: 30: 00',
     END: '2020-09-12T12: 30: 00'
     Title: 'Lunch',
     Start: '2020-09-12t12: 00: 00'
     Title: 'Meeting',
     Start: '2020-09-12T14: 30: 00'
     Title: 'Happy Hour',
     Start: '2020-09-12T17: 30: 00'
     Title: 'Dinner',
     Start: '2020-09-12t20: 00: 00'
     Title: 'Birthday Party',
     Start: '2020-09-13T07: 00: 00'
     Title: 'Click for Google',
     URL: 'http://google.com/',
     Start: '2020-09-28'
  calendar.render ();
& lt; / script & gt;
& lt; style & gt;
 Body {
  margin: 40px 10px;
  Padding: 0;
  Font-Family: Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Sans-Serif;
  Font-Size: 14px;
 #calendar {
  Max-width: 1100px;
  Margin: 0 AUTO;
& lt; / style & gt;
& lt; / Head & gt;
& lt; Body & gt;
 & lt; div id = 'calendar' & gt; & lt; / div & gt;
& lt; / body & gt;
& lt; / html & gt;

Answer 1, Authority 100%


I would call it a calendar of events

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