Home javascript How do I use return in JavaScript?

How do I use return in JavaScript?




Tell me about the return function as a kid, I can’t figure out how to use it in JavaScript.

Answer 1, authority 100%

  1. This is not a function, but a language construct.
  2. A function in JS must return something. Even without return , undefined will be returned.
    And if you need to return something meaningful, then using this operator you can implement it by telling the interpreter what to return.


// Perform calculations without returb
function withoutReturn (a, b) {
 // There is a result, but since this is an internal variable and it is not returned, the result dies with it
 // You can set it to an external variable, but this is fu, you don't have to be, keep the functions clean
 let c = a + b;
 // This could be here, although this is a procedure, not a function
 document.querySelector ('# test'). innerHTML = "Test";
function withReturn (a, b) {
 let c = a + b;
 // Here we did something and give the result, that is, the meaning as a function is present
 return c;
// undefined - waited for the addition, which happened, but did not return anything (i.e., the undefined marker was automatically returned)
console.info (withoutReturn (5, 5));
// 10 - added and returned, what is needed
console.info (withReturn (5, 5)); 
& lt; span id = 'test' & gt; & lt; / span & gt; 

Answer 2, authority 17%

The return statement has two purposes.

First, it is exit immediately from the function. Those. the operator transfers control to the code that called the current function.


function twice (a) {
 if (isNaN (a)) return; // Conditional exit without result (c undefined)
 return 2 * a; // Exit with the desired result
 a + = 5; // Code after calling return cannot be executed

Generally speaking, there are several ways to exit a function:

  • Reaching the last statement (the function code simply ends, similar to return; or return undefined; )
  • Direct call of the return
  • statement

  • Throwing an error, exception (throw 'something' , throw new Error )
    In this case, “stack unwrapping” is performed, we go down the call stack until we encounter an exception handler (construction try {} catch (e) {} )

Secondly, it is a return of a value , the so-called “function result”.


function max (a, b) {
 if (a & gt; b) return a; // Conditional exit with result a
 return b; // Unconditional exit with result b

PS : This actually applies to many programming languages, not just javascript.

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