Home javascript how to make a component disclameer

how to make a component disclameer




How to make this component on React Native?
And for the icon in the future it would be possible to move by right in any angle?

The problem is that regardless of the permission of the word should be mutated, and in the attachment I attached that next to the icon 2 stresters then roll down the entire remaining text

Answer 1, Authority 100%

It turns out something like this

& lt; view & gt;
   & lt; Text & gt;
    & lt; image
     STYLE = {{
      Width: 40,
      Height: 40,
     // Please. Use The Correct Source =))
     Source = {Require ('image.jpg')}
    / & gt;
    Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test
    Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test
   & lt; / text & gt;
& lt; / view & gt;

If as a component to check:

const disclaimer = ({text, imageSource}) = & gt; {
 Return (
  & lt; view & gt;
   & lt; Text & gt;
    & lt; image
     STYLE = {{
      Width: 40,
      Height: 40,
     // Please. Use The Correct Source =))
     source = {imageSource)}
    / & gt;
   & lt; / text & gt;
  & lt; / view & gt;

But in this case, there will be a picture and text only in one line, if it is drawn, then you need to crush under a specific text, I will show you abstractly without some required options:

& lt; view & gt;
  & lt; VIEW STYLE = {{FLEXDIRECTION: 'ROW'}} & gt;
    & lt; image / & gt;
    & lt; view & gt;
     & lt; Text & gt; here text in two lines & lt; / text & gt;
    & lt; / view & gt;
  & lt; / view & gt;
  & lt; Text & GT; continuation of text & lt; / Text & GT;
& lt; / view & gt;

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