Home javascript How to properly use express.bodyParser ()?

How to properly use express.bodyParser ()?




Please tell me why I can not connect and use express.bodyParser? How can I do this?

app.use (express.static (__ dirname + '/ dist'));
app.use (todoRoutes);
function start () {
  Try {
    app.listen (PORT, () = & gt; {
      console.log ( "Server has been statred ...")
  catch (e) {
    console.log (e);
start ();
const {Router} = require ( 'express');
const router = Router ();
var foo = require ( "../ script.js");
router.configure (function () {
  router.use (express.bodyParser ());
const path = require ( 'path');
var myModule = require ( '../ index.js');
router.get ( '/', (req, res) = & gt; {
  res.sendFile (path.resolve ( './ dist / index.html'));
router.post ( '/ 1', (req, res) = & gt; {// sending the first screen
  console.log ( "POST");
  res.sendFile (path.resolve ( './ data / firstScreen.json'));
router.post ( '/ 2', (req, res) = & gt; {// sending the second screen
  console.log ( "POST");
  res.sendFile (path.resolve ( './ data / secondScreen.json'));
router.post ( '/ currentDir1', (req, res) = & gt; {
    console.log ( "POST");
    let body = "";
    let pathToFile = "";
    console.log (req.body);
    req.on ( "data", function (data) {
      body + = data;
    req.on ( "end", function (currentData) {
      console.log (JSON.parse (body));
      currentData = JSON.parse (body);
      if (currentData.sizeOrType === "& lt; folder & gt;") {
        let dir = currentData.dir + currentData.fileName;
        // dir = "C: \\ totalcmd";
        console.log (dir);
        if (currentData.whichScreen) {
          console.log (currentData.whichScreen);
          console.log ( "ggg");
          foo (dir, './data/firstScreen.json');
          pathToFile = './data/firstScreen.json';
          res.sendFile (path.resolve ( './ data / firstScreen.json'));
        } Else {
          console.log ( 'aaaa');
          foo (dir, './data/secondScreen.json');
          pathToFile = './data/firstScreen.json';
          res.sendFile (path.resolve ( './ data / secondScreen.json'));
      // // res.json ({message: 'goodbye'})
      res.sendFile (path.resolve ( './ data / firstScreen.json'));
    // res.sendFile (path.resolve (pathToFile));
module.exports = router;

Answer 1, Authority 100%

If you look at documentation

There are several examples of the use

example of the Express / Connect top-level generic

var express = require ( 'express')
var bodyParser = require ( 'body-parser')
var app = express ()
// parse application / x-www-form-urlencoded
app.use (bodyParser.urlencoded ({extended: false}))
// parse application / json
app.use (bodyParser.json ())
app.use (function (req, res) {
 res.setHeader ( 'Content-Type', 'text / plain')
 res.write ( 'you posted: \ n')
 res.end (JSON.stringify (req.body, null, 2))

Express route-specific

var express = require ( 'express')
var bodyParser = require ( 'body-parser')
var app = express ()
// create application / json parser
var jsonParser = bodyParser.json ()
// create application / x-www-form-urlencoded parser
var urlencodedParser = bodyParser.urlencoded ({extended: false})
// POST / login gets urlencoded bodies
app.post ( '/ login', urlencodedParser, function (req, res) {
 res.send ( 'welcome,' + req.body.username)
// POST / api / users gets JSON bodies
app.post ( '/ api / users', jsonParser, function (req, res) {
 // create user in req.body

I think you will start something like this

const {router} = require ('express');
Const Router = Router ();
Var Foo = Require ("../ script.js");
Var Bodyparser = Require ('Body-Parser')
//router.configure(Function () {
// Router.use (express.bodyparser ());
// Parse Application / Json
Router.use (bodyparser.json ())

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