Home laravel Error Installing Illuminate / HTML

Error Installing Illuminate / HTML




I understand the laravel framework. In the console I write:

Composer Require "Illuminate / HTML"

As a result, what the console writes:

using version ~ 5.0 for illuminate / html
./composer.json has been updated
Loading Composer Repositories with Package Information
Updating Dependencies (Including Require-DeV)
Your Requirements Could Not Be Resolved to An Installable Set of Packages.
Problem 1.
- Laravel / Framework v5.0.16 REQUIRES EXT-MCRYPT * - & GT; The Requested PHP Extension McRept Is Missing From Your System.
- Laravel / Framework v5.0.16 REQUIRES EXT-MCRYPT * - & GT; The Requested PHP Extension McRept Is Missing From Your System.
- Installation Request for Laravel / Framework == - & gt; Satisfiable by Laravel / Framework [v5.0.16].
Installation Failed, Reverting ./composer.json to it Original Content.

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Laravel requires PHP expansion MCRYPT.

How to install in Ubuntu:

apt-get install php5-mcrypt
mv -i /etc/php5/conf.d/mcrypt.ini / etc / PHP5 / MODS-AVAILABLE /
php5enmod mcrypt.
Service Apache2 Restart.

For other systems, see Manual

Answer 2

You need to update Composer:
Composer Self-Update

Answer 3

You need to delete a cache folder in hamster:

CD ~ /
 rm -rf ./composer/cache

and run command to update Composer:

Composer Global Update

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