Home laravel How to fix the error 'A non well formed numeric value encountered'?

How to fix the error ‘A non well formed numeric value encountered’?




I’m using version 5.2

When trying to display any of the variables ($ pages, $ portfolios, $ services, $ peoples, $ menu) via helper ‘dd’, “ErrorException in VarCloner.php line 298:
A non well formed numeric value encountered “

I suppose it has something to do with time. The fields ‘created_at’ and ‘updated_at’ are created with type ‘timestamp’, Null by default and filled with inserted dates.


& lt;? php
namespace App \ Http \ Controllers;
use Illuminate \ Http \ Request;
use App \ Http \ Requests;
use App \ Page;
use App \ Service;
use App \ Portfolio;
use App \ People;
class IndexController extends Controller
  public function execute (Request $ request) {
  $ pages = Page :: all ();
  $ portfolios = Portfolio :: get (array ('name', 'filter', 'images'));
  $ services = Service :: where ('id', '& lt;', 20) - & gt; get ();
  $ peoples = People :: take (3) - & gt; get ();
  $ menu = array ();
  foreach ($ pages as $ page) {
   $ item = array ('title' = & gt; $ page- & gt; name, 'alias' = & gt; $ page- & gt; alias);
   array_push ($ menu, $ item);
  dd ($ menu);
  return view ('site.index');

Answer 1, authority 100%

Change php version or add explicit typecasting:

$ c = '';
$ d = 1 + (int) $ c; 

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