Home linux fails to remove MySQL on Ubuntu 18.04. What could be the problem?

fails to remove MySQL on Ubuntu 18.04. What could be the problem?




That’s what I got when installing MySQL-Server and the same errors when installing MySQL-Workbench. I install such a command: Sudo Apt-Get Install MySQL-Server / MySQL-Workbench. Teams took from office. Site and installation manual from there.

After completing these commands and re-installed MySQL-Server:

sudo rm / var / lib / apt / lists / lock
Sudo RM / Var / Cache / APT / Archives / Lock

began to issue the following error:

sub-process / usr / bin / dpkg Returned An error code (1)

found on the Internet: the problem is due to the fact that they remain on the computer and some conf. Files. Looking through DPKG -L

Ic MySQL-COMMON 5.8 + 1.0.4 all MySQL Database Common Files, E.G.
IHR MYSQL-Server-5 5.7.24-0UBun AMD64 (No Description Available)
Ic Mysql-Utilitie 1.6.4-1 All Collection of Scripts for Managin

I find what you need to delete, but it fails to do this, I tried the following command:

sudo apt-get purge namePack

That’s what shows this time:

Reading Package Lists ... Done
Reading State Information ... Done
You might Want to Run 'APT --FIX-Broken Install' To Correct Thesese.
The Following Packages Have Unmet Dependencies:
 MySQL-Server-5.7: Predepends: MySQL-Common (& gt; = 5.5) But It Is Not Going to Be Installed
          Depends: MySQL-Client-5.7 (& gt; = 5.7.24-0Buntu0.18.04.1) But It is not Going to Be Installed
          DEPENDS: MySQL-Common (& gt; = 5.8 + 1.0.4 ~) But It is not Going to Be Installed
          Depends: MySQL-Server-Core-5.7 (= 5.7.24-0Buntu0.18.04.1) But It is not Going to Be Installed
E: Unmet Dependencies. Try 'APT --FIX-Broken Install' With No Packages (or Specify A Solution).

deleted the following command 2 out of 3. It turned out to remove MySQL-COMMON & AMP; & amp; MySQL-Utilities

sudo dpkg --purge namePack

But when I want to remove the last package (mysql-server-5.7), then that it gives:

Dpkg: Error Processing Package Mysql-Server-5.7 (--purge):
 Reinstall IT Before Attempting A Removal
Errors Were Encountered While Processing:

tried to reinstall the command:

sudo apt-get install mysql-server

That’s what I gave:

Reading Package Lists ... Done
Reading State Information ... Done
You might Want to Run 'APT --FIX-Broken Install' To Correct Thesese.
The Following Packages Have Unmet Dependencies:
 MySQL-Server-5.7: Predepends: MySQL-Common (& gt; = 5.5) But It Is Not Going to Be Installed
          Depends: MySQL-Client-5.7 (& gt; = 5.7.24-0Buntu0.18.04.1) But It is not Going to Be Installed
          DEPENDS: MySQL-Common (& gt; = 5.8 + 1.0.4 ~) But It is not Going to Be Installed
          Depends: MySQL-Server-Core-5.7 (= 5.7.24-0Buntu0.18.04.1) But It is not Going to Be Installed
E: Unmet Dependencies. Try 'APT --FIX-Broken Install' With No Packages (or Specify A Solution).

Pack only this remained in theory, how to remove it I do not understand

Answer 1, Authority 100%

The problem was solved as funny as possible. I just rebooted the computer and executed Upgrade. All MySQL files were installed back, I calmly deleted them and now it can be re-put without any mistakes, probably
P.S. In any incomprehensible situation, reboot the computer.

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