I need to calculate the hash-sum using GOST R 34.11-2012, and then the hash amount to sign with the help of GOST R 34.10-2012. Tell me what team do it on Linux? Now I do the following commands:
/ opt / cprocsp / bin / amd64 / cryptcp -dir / tmp -hash / tmp / hash_kodlsl
/ OPT / Cprocsp / Bin / AMD64 / Cryptcp -Sign -DN [email protected] /tmp/hash_kodlsl.hsh
It seems to get two hash, but when checking checks, I get the answer “Signature Incorrect”.
replaced the following commands, they seem to me or rather, but the answer is the same:
/ opt / cprocsp / bin / amd64 / csptest -keyset -hash Gost12_256 -silent -Cont '\\. \ HDImage \ TE-F9172E97-7DEC-4B7C-A6D1-E11FADDD1E993 '-Keytype Exchange -in / TMP / HASH_KODLSL -HASHOUT /TMP/HASH_KODLSL.hsh
/ OPT / CPROCSP / BIN / AMD64 / CSPTEST -KEYSET -Sign Gost12_256 -Silent -Cont '\\. \ HDImage \ TE-F9172E97-7DEC-4B7C-A6D1-E11FADDD1E993' -KeyType Exchange -in / TMP / HASH_KODLSL -OUT / TMP / HASH_KODLSL.SIG.
Answer 1, Authority 100%
Did you find a solution? I noticed that the team:
/ opt / cprocsp / bin / amd64 / csptest -keyset -hash Gost12_256 -silent -Cont '\\. \ HDImage \ TE-F9172E97-7DEC-4B7C-A6D1-E11FADDD1E993 '-Keytype Exchange -in / TMP / HASH_KODLSL -HASHOUT /TMP/HASH_KODLSL.hsh
uses 34.10-2012
instead of 34.11-2012