Home mysql Proper use of Pivot in MS SQL

Proper use of Pivot in MS SQL




I have a request with a bunch of Leftjoins.

created a request to output “direct” data, displays:

| Order number | Attribute | Value |
| 9213 | Format | 20x20 |
| 9213 | Quantity | 4 |
| 9213 | Material | Leather |
| 9214 | Format | 80x80 |
| 9214 | Quantity | 1 |
| 9214 | Material | Tree |

I need to display as follows:

| Order number | Format | Quantity | Material |
| 9213 | 20x20 | 4 | Leather |
| 9214 | 80x80 | 1 | Tree |

I do not understand how to properly describe Pivot, all examples are too simple, and I have a request of 5 joyans and 6 conditions. Can you please show and describe this example ..

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Here you have a working example:

create table #Temp_Table ([[Order number] int, [attribute] nvarchar (250), [Value] Nvarchar ( 250));
INSERT #Temp_Table
(9213, N'Format ', N'20x20'),
(9213, N'Colomacy ', N'4'),
(9213, N'Material ', N'KZH'),
(9214, N'Format ', N'80x80'),
(9214, N'Kolism ', N'1'),
(9214, n'material ', n'devo');
With Temp As.
(Select * from #Temp_Table) - Insert your request here, as the colleague pointed out
- Below, in fact, all you need
SELECT [order number], [format], [quantity], [Material]
From Temp.
MAX ([Value])
for [attribute]
In ([format], [quantity], [Material])
Drop Table #Temp_Table

Documentation: Pivot and Unpivot .

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