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строка не найдена




Good afternoon, all the insure flew, nothing helps, all hope for you remains:

PHP 7, IIS 7.5 Windows Server 2008R2
When trying to connect to MSSQL, an error occurs:

PHP Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined Function SQLSRV_CONNECT () in C: \ inetpub \ path \ connect.php: 4
Stack Trace:
# 0 {Main}
 Thrown In C: \ Path \ Connect.php on Line 4

in php.ini directive extension = php_mssql.dll absent, the php.ini in this release is not replaced by PHP.ini-Development and php.ini-product

Script itself:

$ servername = "mssql02 \";
$ ConnectionInfo = Array ("Database" = & gt; "", "uid" = & gt; "," pwd "= & gt;" ");
$ Conn = SQLSRV_CONNECT ($ ServerName, $ ConnectionInfo);
if ($ Conn) {
   Echo "connection managed. & lt; br / & gt;";
} else {
   echo "connection failed, error:";
   DIE (Print_R (SQLSRV_ERRORS (), TRUE));

What is there no server name, user, password, etc. This is not an error, just removed specially

Pdo downloaded, threw into the EXT folder:
Enter a description of the image
The php config added a line:
Enter the image description here

But it does not want to work

In the pinch of the PHPINFO there is no PDO drivers at all
Enter the image description here

ODBC driver installed this
https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/ download / details.aspx? ID = 36434

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Everything decided easier, renamed PHP dev. In php.ini, everything has earned

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