Home php 403 when requesting in Geocoder API Yandex.Cart

403 when requesting in Geocoder API Yandex.Cart




Trying to get geo coordinates from PHP script:

$ params = array (
    'geocode' = & gt; 'Moscow, ul. Lion Tolstoy, 16 ', // Address
    'Format' = & gt; 'json', // response format
    'results' = & gt; 1, // number of output results
    'Key' = & gt; 'De30B30E-ABA5-4091-A796-XXX' // Your Key API
  $ response = json_decode (file_get_contents ('https://geocode-maps.yandex.ru/1.x/?'. http_build_Query ($ params, '', '& amp;)));
  if ($ response- & gt; response- & gt; geoobjectCollection- & gt; metadataproperty- & gt; geocoderresponsemetadata- & gt; found & gt; 0) {
    Echo $ Response- & gt; Response- & gt; geoobjectCollection- & gt; FeatureMember [0] - & gt; geoobject- & gt; point- & gt; pos;
  } else {
    echo 'nothing found & lt; br & gt;';

Get “Nothing found”.

Display the URL with the parameters, and insert it into the address bar. We get:

{"Statuscode": 403, "error": "forbidden", "message": "Key Is Required" }

What kind of chores us that we do not indicate the API key, although we indicated it.

Display Print_R ($ Response) is generally empty! file_get_contents With another URL running. I conclude, maybe incorrect –

file_get_contents (
 'https://geocode-maps.yandex.ru/1.x/?' .
  http_build_Query ($ params, '', '& amp;)

does not work, although the HTTP request is formed correctly. It is completely incomprehensible why when copying an HTTP request and sending it through the browser string, we receive a message that we do not specify the key. The Yandex developer’s office see that the API key is active.

There are considerations on this account?

Answer 1, Authority 100%

As far as I see – not Key , and apikey

https://tech.yandex.ru/ Maps / Geocoder / Doc / Desc / Concepts / Input_params-Docpage /

https://geocode-maps.yandex.ru/1.x/?pikey=wash API key & amp; Geocode = Moscow, + Tverskaya + Street, + House + 7

Try the minimal simple request from their documentation with your key and debug your code on the basis of the results.

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