Need to draw the schedule in the picture. I found only Pchart and that very old one. Are there any options?
Answer 1, Authority 100%
Google Charts to help you.
file_put_contents (__ dir __ '/ image.png', file_get_contents (' /chart?cht=lc& ;chxt=x ,&chs=700x400&chco=76a4fb/ff9900&chg=0,83333333&chdl=visits|unique%20Visits& ;chls=3|3& ;chma=40.20, 20.30 & amp; chxr = 1,0,33411 & amp; CHDS = 0.33411 & amp; CHD = T% 3A33411,33411,33411,33411,33411,33411,33411,3341,33411,33411,33411,341111111,3341111 33411,33411,33411,33411,33411,33411,33411,33411,33411,33411 & amp; chxl = 0% 3A | Jan-10 | Feb-10 | Mar-10 | APR-10 | May-10 | jun-10 | Jul-10 | AUG-10 | SEP-10 | Oct-10 | nov-10 | DEC-10 '));