Home php combine the values ​​in the PHP array and create a new

combine the values ​​in the PHP array and create a new




Tell me how to solve this problem:

There is an array derived from database:

Array (3) {
[0] = & gt; Array (14) {[id "] = & gt; String (1) "1" ["userhash"] = & gt; String (3) "Apple" ["ServicType"] = & gt; String (2) "11" ["Prise"] = & gt; String (1) "300"}
[1] = & gt; Array (14) {[id "] = & gt; String (1) "5" ["userhash"] = & gt; String (3) "PEAR" ["ServiceType"] = & gt; String (1) "5" ["Prise"] = & gt; String (1) "20"}
[2] = & gt; Array (14) {[id "] = & gt; String (1) "2" ["UserHash"] = & gt; String (3) "Apple" ["ServicType"] = & gt; String (2) "12" ["Prise"] = & gt; String (1) "200"}

How inside this array to know if there are repeated values ​​(in this example it is Apple), and then create a new array where to write down all the unique value, and also leave only one Apple with the combined price 500 and supplemented with values ​​in SERVICETYPE (Put values ​​from both arrays) so that it happens like this:

array (2) {
  [0] = & gt; Array (14) {[id "] = & gt; String (1) "1" ["userhash"] = & gt; String (3) "Apple" ["ServicType"] = & gt; String (5) "11, 12" ["Prise"] = & gt; String (1) "500"}
[1] = & gt; Array (14) {[id "] = & gt; String (1) "5" ["userhash"] = & gt; String (3) "PEAR" ["ServiceType"] = & gt; String (1) "5" ["Prise"] = & gt; String (1) "20"}


If you do in the cycle, all values ​​are compared with themselves, which does not solve the problem.

Tell me, please, code logic or example of a function to solve this task?

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Try to use GROUP BY in your database request. Thus, you exclude the repetition of columns

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