Home php entry in the CSV file

entry in the CSV file




How to write data from an array in a CSV file?

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Use special fputcsv

& lt;? php
$ List = Array (
   Array ('Aaa', 'BBB', 'CCC', 'DDDD'),
   Array ('123', '456', '789'),
   Array ('"AAA"', '"BBB"')
$ fp = fopen ('file.csv', 'w');
Foreach ($ List AS $ Fields) {
   FPUTCSV ($ FP, $ Fields);
FClose ($ FP);

Answer 2

$ array = array ();
$ Hand = Fopen ("file.csv", "w");
For ($ i = 0; $ i & lt; = count ($ array); $ i ++)
FWRITE ($ Hand, $ Array [$ i]);
FClose ($ Hand);

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