Home php Error installing laravel-ide-helper

Error installing laravel-ide-helper





  "Name": "laravel / laravel",
  "Type": "project",
  "Description": "The Laravel Framework.",
  "Keywords": [
  "License": "MIT",
  "Require": {
    "Php": "^ 7.2.5",
    "Fideloper / proxy": "^ 4.2",
    "Fruitcake / laravel-cors": "^ 1.0",
    "Guzzlehttp / guzzle": "^ 6.5",
    "Intervention / image": "^ 2.5",
    "Itelmenko / laravel-mysql-logger": "^ 0.1.14",
    "Laravel / framework": "^ 7.0",
    "Laravel / sanctum": "^ 2.3",
    "Laravel / tinker": "^ 2.0",
    "Laravel / ui": "^ 2.0",
    "Spatie / laravel-permission": "^ 3.13",
    "Stripe / stripe-php": "^ 7.37"
  "Require-dev": {
    "Facade / ignition": "^ 2.0",
    "Fzaninotto / faker": "^ 1.9.1",
    "Mnabialek / laravel-sql-logger": "^ 2.2",
    "Mockery / mockery": "^ 1.3.1",
    "Nunomaduro / collision": "^ 4.1",
    "Phpunit / phpunit": "^ 8.5"
  "Config": {
    "Optimize-autoloader": true,
    "Preferred-install": "dist",
    "Sort-packages": true
  "Extra": {
    "Laravel": {
      "Dont-discover": []
  "Autoload": {
    "Psr-4": {
      "App \\": "app /"
    "Classmap": [
      "Database / seeds",
      "Database / factories"
  "Autoload-dev": {
    "Psr-4": {
      "Tests \\": "tests /"
  "Minimum-stability": "dev",
  "Prefer-stable": true,
  "Scripts": {
    "Post-autoload-dump": [
      "Illuminate \\ Foundation \\ ComposerScripts :: postAutoloadDump",
      "@Php artisan package: discover --ansi"
    "Post-root-package-install": [
      "@Php -r \" file_exists ( '. Env') || copy ( '. env.example', '.env'); \ ""
    "Post-create-project-cmd": [
      "@Php artisan key: generate --ansi"

Answer 1

is set by you package has a dependency on illuminate / console ^ 8 , but the composer set it can not, because you already have at least one installed package with a dependency on illuminate / console with a lower version and does not allow it to increase to version ^ 8

You can view a list of installed packages that have dependencies in the hectic illuminate / console and the requirements for its possible versions:

composer why illuminate / console

Options to harmonize requirements for packages to the versions of illuminate / console :

  1. To try to reduce the package version barryvdh / laravel-ide-helper
  2. Try to increase the version of the package has a dependency on illuminate / console and blocks the installation package barryvdh / laravel-ide-helper

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