Home php Fatal Error error: Cannot Redeclare Help please

Fatal Error error: Cannot Redeclare Help please




There is such a function

& lt ;?
      $ Message_Query = MySQL_Query ("Select U.ID, p. *, u.userName, U.Family, U.avatar
    From Messages P, Users u
    Where Case.
    WHEN P.Group_Hash = '$ Hash'
    Then p.from_id = u.id
    OR (
    p.from_id = '$ ID'
    Order by p.timemsg ASC ") OR DIE (MYSQL_ERROR ());
   While ($ RUN_MESSAGE = MYSQL_FETCH_ARRAY ($ Message_Query)) {
 $ FROM_ID = $ Run_Message ['from_id'];
 $ Message = $ Run_Message ['Message'];
    $ User2 = $ RUN_POST ['from_id_to'];
 $ Timemsg = $ Run_Message ['Timemsg'];
 $ FROM_USERNAME = $ Run_Message ['UserName'];
 $ From_Family = $ Run_Message ['Family'];
 $ FROM_AVATAR = $ Run_Message ['avatar'];
 $ from_id = $ Run_Message ['id'];
Function XtimeAgo ($ Oldtime, $ Newtime, $ TimeType) {
      $ TimeCalc = StrTotime ($ NewTime) - StrTotime ($ oldtime);
      if ($ TIMETYPE == "X") {
        If ($ TimeCalc = 60) {
          $ TIMETYPE = "M";
        if ($ TimeCalc = (60 * 60)) {
          $ TIMETYPE = "H";
        if ($ TimeCalc = (60 * 60 * 24)) {
          $ TIMETYPE = "D";
      if ($ TIMETYPE == "S") {
        $ TimeCalc. = "Seconds Ago";
      if ($ TIMETYPE == "M") {
        $ TimeCalc = Round ($ TimeCalc / 60). "Minutes Ago";
      if ($ TIMETYPE == "H") {
        $ TimeCalc = Round ($ TimeCalc / 60/60). "Hours Ago";
      if ($ TIMETYPE == "D") {
        $ TimeCalc = Round ($ TimeCalc / 60 / 60/2 24). "Days Ago";
      Return $ TimeCalc;
? & gt;
But why does it give an error please tell me what is the problem?

Answer 1, Authority 100%

The function with such a name has already been announced in the script. You have not forgotten the old realization?

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