Home php fix the date into Russian in php

fix the date into Russian in php




Here is a fragment of the site http://joxi.ru/rmzbkeofwgml3m
It is necessary that instead of the name of the month in English. Language was displayed completely the name of the month with a small letter in Russian. How to do it?
Here is a fragment of code:

& lt; span class = "entry-time" & gt;
      & lt;? php
        $ expire_date = STRTOTIME (GET_POST_META ($ Post- & gt; ID, 'expire_date', true));
        If ($ expire_date):
          if ($ interval & gt; -86400 & amp; & amp; $ interval & lt; 0):
            Echo "The term expires:". "& lt; span class = \" expired-color \ "& gt;" Date ('M D, Y', StrTotime (get_post_meta ($ post- & gt; id, 'expire_date', true) )). "& lt; / span & gt;";
            Echo "The term expires:" .date ('M D, Y', StrTotime (get_post_meta ($ post- & gt; id, 'expire_date', true))). '';
          Echo "The term expires: unknown";
      ? & gt;
    & lt; / span & gt; & lt;! - .ENTRY-TIME - & gt;

Answer 1, Authority 100%

date (‘n’) Accepts the Format parameter with the n value. Where N This is a sequence number of the month without a leading zero from 1 to 12.

$ arr = [
// because from 1 to 12, and in the array, as we know, the counting comes from zero (0 to 11),
// I deduct 1 to choose to choose from our array.
$ MONTH = DATE ('N') - 1;
Echo $ Arr [$ MONTH]. ' '.date (' D, Y ');

Answer 2, Authority 25%

Two options:

setlocale (lc_all, 'ru_ru', 'ru_ru.utf-8', 'ru', 'russian') ;
Echo Strftime ("% B% d,% y", time ());

Of the minuses – it will only work if the system has the desired locale

2) array of names of months + getdate

$ TR_M = ['NUNEBER' / * for the index shift by +1 * /, 'january', 'February ',' MART ', ....' December '];
$ exp_date = get_post_meta (GET_POST_META ($ Post- & gt; id, 'expire_date', true)));
$ Full_Datedate = Sprintf (
    '% s% d,% d',
    $ TR_M [$ exp_date ['mon']]
    $ EXP_DATE ['MDay'],
    $ EXP_DATE ['year']

from minuses – more code.

Answer 3, Authority 12%

function ymdw ($ param1 = null, $ param2 = null) {
// --------------------------------------
// This feature works only in a bundle with the "rus_date" function http://webi.ru/webi_files/rus_date.html
// --------------------------------------
// Y - year
// M - Month
// D - day
// W - name of the day of the week
// --------------------------------------
// YMDW () - Conclusion: 2019-08-30 (current date)
// YMDW ("") - Conclusion: 2019-08-30 (current date)
// YMDW ("2019-08-30") - Conclusion: August 30 (Friday), 2019 (asked date)
// YMDW (YMDW ()) - Conclusion: August 30 (Friday), 2019 (current date)
// YMDW ("TMSP") - Conclusion: 1567155817 // TIME OF TIME OF THE UNIX CURRENT DATE AND TIME (TICET) (Current)
// YMDW ("Y") - Conclusion: 2019 (current)
// YMDW ("M") - Conclusion: number of month (from 1 to 12) (current)
// YMDW ("MN") - conclusion: the name of the month (current)
// YMDW ("D") - Conclusion: Date of the month (from 1 to 31) (current)
// YMDW ("DN") - Conclusion: Name of the Day of the Week (Monday) (Current)
// YMDW ("2019-08-30", "TMSP") - Conclusion: 1567155817 // Tag of the Time Unix current date
// YMDW ("2019-08-30", "Y") - Conclusion: Year (number)
// YMDW ("2019-08-30", "M") - Conclusion: number of month (from 1 to 12)
// YMDW ("2019-08-30", "Mn") - Conclusion: the name of the month (January)
// YMDW ("2019-08-30", "D") - Conclusion: Date of the month (from 1 to 31)
// YMDW ("2019-08-30", "DN") - output: name of the day of the week (Monday)
// YMDW ("1559682000", "") - Conclusion: June 5 (Wednesday) 2019 
// YMDW ("1559682000", "Y") - Conclusion: 2019
// YMDW ("1559682000", "M") - Conclusion: number of month (from 1 to 12)
// YMDW ("1559682000", "MN") - Conclusion: Name of the month
// YMDW ("1559682000", "D") - Conclusion: Date of the month (from 1 to 31)
// YMDW ("1559682000", "DN") - Conclusion: Name of the Day of the Week (Monday)
// --------------------------------------
date_default_timezone_set ("europe / volgograd"); // Set Default Time Zone / VOLGOGRAD / SAMARA /
$ Args = Func_Get_Args (); // Array Arguments Function
$ year = substr ($ param1, 0, 4); // Year
$ MONTH = substr ($ param1, 5, -3); // number of the month
$ month_name = rus_date ("f", mktime (0, 0, 0, int) $ month, 10)); // Name of the month
$ day = substr ($ param1, 8); // number of month
$ get_week_day = rus_date ("L", StrTotime ($ param1)); // Day of the week
$ timestamp = STRTOTIME ($ param1); // Time Tag Unix
// --------------------------------------
// Current Date (2019-08-30)
If (Count ($ args) == 0) {
} ELSEIF ($ param1 == "") {
} elseif ($ param1! = "") {
  // June 5 (Sunday), 1977
  if (preg_match ("# ([0-9] {4,4}) - ([0-9] {2,2}) - ([0-9] {2,2}) #", $ param1) ) {
    if ($ param2! = "") {
      if ($ param2 == "TMSP") {
        RETURN STRTOTIME (Date ($ param1));
      } ELSEIF ($ param2 == "Y") {
        RETURN SUBSTR ($ param1, 0, 4);
      } ELSEIF ($ param2 == "M") {
        RETURN SUBSTR ($ param1, 5, -3);
      } ELSEIF ($ param2 == "D") {
        RETURN SUBSTR ($ param1, 8);
      } elseif ($ param2 == "Mn") {
        RETURN RUS_DATE ("F", MkTime (0, 0, 0, (int) substr ($ param1, 5, -3), 10));
      } ELSEIF ($ param2 == "DN") {
        RETURN RUS_DATE ("L", StrTotime ($ param1));
    } else {
      Return (int) $ day. "". $ MONTH_NAME. "(". $ get_week_day. "),". $ year. " G.";
  } elseif (preg_match ("# ^ [0-9] {5.20} $ #", $ param1)) {
     if ($ param2! = "") {
      // Year (number)
      if ($ param2 == "y") {
        RETURN DATE ("Y", $ param1);
      // number of the month (from 1 to 12)
      Elseif ($ param2 == "M") {
        RETURN (INT) DATE ("M", $ param1);
      // Date of the month (from 1 to 31)
      Elseif ($ param2 == "D") {
        Return (int) Date ("D", $ param1);
      // Name of the month
      ELSEIF ($ param2 == "Mn") {
        Return rus_date ("f", mktime (0, 0, 0, (int) date ("m", $ param1), 10));
      // Name of the day of the week (Monday)
      Elseif ($ param2 == "DN") {
        Return rus_date ("L", mktime (0, 0, 0, (int) date ("D", $ param1), 10));
    // Conclusion: August 30 (Friday), 2019
    ELSE {
      RETURN (INT) DATE ("D", $ param1). "". rus_date ("f", $ param1). "(". rus_date ("L", $ param1). ")". Date ("Y", $ param1). " G.";
  } else {
    // Tag Time Tag Unix Current Date and Time
    if ($ param1 == "TMSP") {
      RETURN TIME ();
      // Return StrTotime ("NOW");
    // This year
    Elseif ($ param1 == "Y") {
      RETURN DATE ("Y");
    // Current month
    Elseif ($ param1 == "M") {
      RETURN (INT) DATE ("M");
    // Name of the month
    Elseif ($ param1 == "MN") {
      RETURN RUS_DATE ("F", TIME ());
    // This day
    Elseif ($ param1 == "D") {
      RETURN (INT) DATE ("D");
    // Name of the day of the week (Monday)
    Elseif ($ param1 == "DN") {
      RETURN RUS_DATE ("L", TIME ());


Answer 4, Authority 12%

What is written in the comments as the answers – do not need to do so. How to do is needed – there is an extension for PHP Intl . Make sure it is included PHP -M

There is a special intldateFormatter you initialize with the settings you need.

$ date = new datetime ();
$ intlformatter = new intldateformatter ('ru_ru', intldateformatter :: short, intldateformatter :: short);
$ intlformatter- & gt; setpattern ('mmmm');
Echo $ intlformatter- & gt; Format ($ Date);

via formater Documentation here
By patterns, you can see here

p.s. Wuhaha and this is a duplicate answer in a duplicate question!

Answer 5

found the decision itself, checked works:

& lt; span class = "entry-time" & gt;
& lt;? php
$ Date_M = Array ('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'November', ' December');
$ expire_date = STRTOTIME (GET_POST_META ($ Post- & gt; ID, 'expire_date', true));
if ($ expire_date) {
  if (($ interval & gt; -86400) & amp; & amp; ($ interval & lt; 0))
    Echo 'term expires: & lt; span class = "expired-color" & gt;' . $ DATE_M [DATE ('N', $ expire_date) - 1]. ". Date ('D, Y', $ Expire_Date). '& lt; / span & gt;';
    Echo 'term expires:'. $ DATE_M [DATE ('N', $ expire_date) - 1]. ". date ('d, y', $ expire_date);
  Echo 'term expires: unknown';
? & gt;
& lt; / span & gt; & lt;! - .ENTRY-TIME - & gt;

Answer 6

You can use a localized date through the date_i18n () function , for example: date_i18n ('j f y') – will display the date in the current language.

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