There is an array. Each element of the array is an object with two fields.
[{"type": "photo", "photo": {photo}}, {"type": "audio", "audio": {audio}}]
How can I get the object fields from this: type and photo (or audio, no difference)?
$ a [‘type’] doesn’t work
Answer 1
Something like this:
$ obj_array = json_decode ('[{"type": "photo", "photo": {"some" : "content"}}, {"type": "audio", "audio": {"some": "content"}}] ');
print_r ($ obj_array);
$ reult = array ();
foreach ($ obj_array as $ obj) {
$ type = $ obj- & gt; type;
$ reult [$ obj- & gt; type] = $ obj- & gt; $ type;
print_r ($ reult);
[0] = & gt; stdClass Object
[type] = & gt; photo
[photo] = & gt; stdClass Object
[some] = & gt; content
[1] = & gt; stdClass Object
[type] = & gt; audio
= & gt; stdClass Object
[some] = & gt; content
[photo] = & gt; stdClass Object
[some] = & gt; content
= & gt; stdClass Object
[some] = & gt; content
Answer 2
Did you give this line just for demonstration?
In general, object properties are accessed like this:
$ a- & gt; type
Accordingly from an array
$ ar [0] - & gt; type