Home php Getting an image (BLOB) from MySQL PHP

Getting an image (BLOB) from MySQL PHP




Can’t understand how to get an image from the database. I know that it is better not to store the image in the database, but still, how to get it and output ??

& lt;? php
$ HostName = "LocalHost";
$ username = "root";
$ password = "x";
$ Database = "Photo_Test";
$ usertable = "photo";
// Pocillion to database
$ Conn = Mysqli_Connect ($ hostname, $ username, $ password, $ database) or DIE ('Oops');

Answer 1

Already there is an answer to your question.


You can use several different methods depending on which PHP image library is installed. Here are some examples.
Please note that ECHO is just a trick that I use to display multiple images from the same PHP script when cyclically viewing the MYSQL result resource. You can also display through the header (), as shown @naveed.


$ image = imagecreatefromstring ($ blob);
OB_START (); // You Could Also Just Output The $ Image Via Header () And Bypass This Buffer Capture.
imagejpeg ($ image, null, 80);
$ Data = OB_GET_CONTENTS ();
Echo '& lt; img src = "data: image / jpg; base64,'. Base64_ENCode ($ Data). '" / & gt;';

ImageMagick (Imagick):

$ image = new imagick ();
$ image- & gt; readimageblob ($ blob);
Echo '& lt; img src = "data: image / png; base64,'. Base64_encode ($ image- & gt; getimageblob ()). '" / & gt;';

GraphicsMagick (Gmagick):

$ image = new gmagick ();
$ image- & gt; readimageblob ($ blob);
Echo '& lt; img src = "data: image / png; base64,'. Base64_encode ($ image- & gt; getimageblob ()). '" / & gt;';

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