Home php groups.get method (VK API) - User authorization failed: no access_token passed

groups.get method (VK API) – User authorization failed: no access_token passed




Can’t execute method groups.get . VK API

[error_code] = & gt; 5 [error_msg] = & gt; User authorization failed: no
access_token passed

However, other methods (getCities , getCountries ) work.

This line does not work correctly:

$ groups = json_decode (@file_get_contents ('https://api.vk.com/method/groups.get ? uid '. $ token [user_id].' '));

Maybe the problem is that when receiving token [expires_in] = & gt; 0 ?

Here’s the code:

& lt ;?
require_once ('common_use.php');
session_start ();
$ client_id = '***';
$ client_secret = '****';
$ redirect_uri = 'http: //site/outh.php';
$ result = false;
if (isset ($ _ GET ['code'])) {
    $ params = array (
      'client_id' = & gt; $ client_id,
      'client_secret' = & gt; $ client_secret,
      'code' = & gt; $ _GET ['code'],
      'redirect_uri' = & gt; $ redirect_uri
    $ token = json_decode (@file_get_contents ('https://oauth.vk.com/access_token'. '?'. urldecode (http_build_query ($ params))), true);
    if (isset ($ token ['access_token'])) {
      $ params = array (
          'uids' = & gt; $ token ['user_id'],
          'fields' = & gt; 'uid, city, country, first_name, last_name, screen_name, sex, bdate, photo_big, photo_rec, contacts',
          'access_token' = & gt; $ token ['access_token']
      $ userInfo = json_decode (@file_get_contents ('https://api.vk.com/method/users.get?'. urldecode (http_build_query ($ params))), true);
      if (isset ($ userInfo ['response'] [0] ['uid'])) {
          $ userInfo = $ userInfo ['response'] [0];
          $ result = true;
          // Here is an error
          $ groups = json_decode (@file_get_contents ('https://api.vk.com/method/groups.get?uid'.$token [user_id].' '));
        $ sig = md5 ("api_id =". $ client_id. "method = getCitiesv = 2.0api_secret =". $ client_secret. "");
        $ res = json_decode (@file_get_contents ('https://api.vk.com/method/getCities?api_id='.$client_id.'&sig='.$sig.'&v=2.0&cids= '. $ userInfo [city].' '));
        $ city = $ res - & gt; response [0] - & gt; name;
? & gt;

Answer 1, authority 100%

So, since you are using the so-called two-step method to obtain a token, the following snippet will help you. You will need the client_id and client_secret of your application. After allowing access, the snippet gets the groups of the logged in user, easy to change.

& lt;? php
  $ client_id = xxxxxxx;
  $ client_secret = "xxxxxxxx";
? & gt;
& lt; a href = "https://oauth.vk.com/authorize?client_id=<?=$client_id;?>&redirect_uri=http://vm-0.roxy.kd.io/& response_type = code & amp; v = 5.0 "& gt; Login & lt; / a & gt;
& lt;? php
  if (! empty ($ _ GET ["code"])) {
    $ code = $ _GET ["code"];
    $ query = file_get_contents ("https://api.vk.com/oauth/access_token?client_id= {$client_id }&client_secret= {$client_secret>&code= {$code}");
    $ res = json_decode ($ query, 1);
    $ token = $ res ["access_token"];
    echo "& lt; h1 & gt; ur token is: & lt; / h1 & gt;". $ token;
    // getting groups;
    $ query = file_get_contents ("https://api.vk.com/method/groups.get?user_id= {$ res [" user_id "]} & amp; extended = 1 & amp; access_token = {$ token}");
    echo "& lt; pre & gt;";
    print_r (json_decode ($ query, 1));
    echo "& lt; / pre & gt;";
? & gt;

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