This adds a question symbol in a black vertical diamond to the text:
$ s = 'Just text';
$ str [4] = "\ t";
Utf-8 encoding
Answer 1
This is how it is done. First, use mb_str_split () to convert the string to an array. Make a copy of it. After that, with each array, make a slice at the desired position using array_slice () (one before, the other after). At the end, combine the arrays, and between them your desired piece of text. Finally, convert the result to a string using implode ().
The problem, as we noticed earlier, is due to unicode, so you have to go to some tricks.
Answer 2
Most likely so-so, but just as an option:
& lt;? php
$ s = 'Just Text';
$ s = preg_replace ('/ ^ (. {3}) ./ u', "$ 1 \ t", $ s);
echo $ s;
Answer 3
You cannot work with multibyte encodings using direct indices – you are addressing not characters, but bytes.
function replaceStrAt ($ str, $ substr, $ from, $ to = null) {
is_null ($ to) and $ to = $ from;
return mb_substr ($ str, 0, $ from). $ substr. mb_substr ($ str, $ to + 1);
function insertSubstrInto ($ str, $ substr, $ index) {
return mb_substr ($ str, 0, $ index). $ substr. mb_substr ($ str, $ index);
$ s = 'And just text';
echo replaceStrAt ($ s, "\ t", 4), "\ n"; // And just a hundred text
echo insertSubstrInto ($ s, "\ t", 4), "\ n"; // And just the text