Home php HTML & AMP button; PHP

HTML & AMP button; PHP




I need to create a shape in which there will be a SUBMIT type button and two text fields in which you can enter 2 numbers, and the PHP script should be launched by pressing the button which for example will display the inscription “Hello”.
I made only the shape and button, I have no idea how to call php script.

& lt;! doctype HTML & gt;
& lt; HTML LANG = "EN" & GT;
& lt; Head & gt;
  & lt; Meta Charset = "UTF-8" & gt;
  & lt; Title & gt; QWR & LT; / Title & GT;
& lt; / Head & gt;
& lt; Body & gt;
  & lt; Form Action = "index.php" & gt;
    & lt; Input Type = "Text" Placeholder = "ENTER First Num" & gt;
    & lt; Input Type = "Text" Placeholder = "ENTER Second Num" & gt;
    & lt; Button Type = "Submit" & gt; Send Information & LT; / Button & GT;
  & lt; / form & gt;
& lt; / body & gt;
& lt; / html & gt;

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Started file index.php

& lt;? php
Echo (int) $ _ post ['first']. "& lt; br & gt;";
echo (int) $ _ post ['second'];
? & gt;
  & lt;! DOCTYPE HTML & GT;
  & lt; HTML LANG = "EN" & GT;
  & lt; Head & gt;
    & lt; Meta Charset = "UTF-8" & gt;
    & lt; Title & gt; QWR & LT; / Title & GT;
  & lt; / Head & gt;
  & lt; Body & gt;
    & lt; Form Method = "POST" Action = "index.php" & gt;
 // or action = '', or at all without action
      & lt; Input Type = "text" name = "first" placeholder = "ENTER First Num" & gt;
      & lt; Input Type = "text" name = "second" placeholder = "ENTER Second Num" & gt;
      & lt; Button Type = "Submit" & gt; Send Information & LT; / Button & GT;
    & lt; / form & gt;
  & lt; / body & gt;
  & lt; / html & gt;

or with an external file, running file any, with the extension PHP or HTML | HTM :

& lt;! doctype HTML & gt;
  & lt; HTML LANG = "EN" & GT;
  & lt; Head & gt;
    & lt; Meta Charset = "UTF-8" & gt;
    & lt; Title & gt; QWR & LT; / Title & GT;
  & lt; / Head & gt;
  & lt; Body & gt;
    & lt; Form Method = "POST" ACTION = "Action.php" & gt;
      & lt; Input Type = "text" name = "first" placeholder = "ENTER First Num" & gt;
      & lt; Input Type = "text" name = "second" placeholder = "ENTER Second Num" & gt;
      & lt; Button type = "submit" & gt; Send Information & lt; / Button & gt;
    & lt; / form & gt;
  & lt; / body & gt;
  & lt; / html & gt;

file.php , must be in the folder with a starting file (index.php ), or elsewhere – then you need to correctly specify the path to it in the starting fala .

& lt;? php
  Echo (int) $ _ post ['first']. "& lt; br & gt;";
  echo (int) $ _ post ['second'];
  ? & gt;


PHP HTML formation scenarios forms http://coderhs.com/archive/php_send_form

Answer 2

in & lt; Form Action = "#" & gt; Script on the same page or link to a file with a script instead of #. If you want to use values ​​with field fields, they fall into an $ _post [] or $ _get [] array depending on what you pointed to Method.

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