Home php MySQL # 1292 - Truncated Incorrect Double Value

MySQL # 1292 – Truncated Incorrect Double Value




appeal to the database

Update` Departure`
    SET `register_pay_id` = '77'
    Where` Author` = '15'
    And `register_pay_id` = 'without_register_pay'
    And `akt_id` = 'WITHOUT_ACT'
    And `Status_code` = 4

back receiving the answer

SQL query:
Update` Departure`
      SET `register_pay_id` = '77'
      Where` Author` = '15'
      And `register_pay_id` = 'without_register_pay'
      And `akt_id` = 'WITHOUT_ACT'
      And `Status_code` = 4
MYSQL answer: documentation
# 1292 - Truncated Incorrect Double Value: 'err_invalid_dispatchnumber'

I do not understand what the reason can, by the fact that the SET and WHERE contains the same names of the register_pay_id ? How can it be solved?

for info in register_pay_id Varchar values ​​(255)

Answer 1, Authority 100%

This message means that you are trying to compare the number and string in the WHERE clause.

Store lines and numbers in the same fields. Practice.
For all, all of your fields should be the type int .
And instead of without_register_pay and without_act , there must be null .

Also to remove the error, you can turn off the strict mode for MySQL Removing the strict_all_tables to configure SQL_MODE in the configuration file My.cnf .

Answer 2

Update` Departure`
    SET `register_pay_id` = '77'
    Where` Author` = '15'
    , `register_pay_id` = 'WITHOUT_REGISTER_PAY'
    , `akt_id` = 'WITHOUT_ACT'
    , `Status_code` = 4

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