Home php Own perfect admin on Laravel

Own perfect admin on Laravel




decided not to use it ready, but to make an ideal administrator on the project.

And at the very beginning there is a question. You can somehow in routes / routes indicate that the path / admin is only for “Favorites” and that it does not let and in all his submarshrutes of ordinary users?

And then I have one thought yet: in each method of each class of admins constantly prescribe a condition for checking the status of the user. But this is a bad code.

If it is not prescribed in the roots, then tell me at least the optimal solution.

Answer 1, Authority 100%

First create Middleware Admin

php artisan make: middleware admin

then add this code in Model User

// is admin
Public Function Isadmin ()
Return $ this- & gt; is_admin; // Field is_admin in table Users

Next Open Middleware Admin and add this code

// Check the user
if (auth :: check () & amp; & amp; auth :: user () - & gt; isadmin () == true)
  Return $ Next ($ Request);

in App \ http \ kernel.php in Protected $ RoutemidDleWare Add our middleware

'admin' = & gt; \ app \ http \ middleware \ admin :: class,

And finally in ROTE

Route :: Group (['Middleware' = & gt; 'admin', 'prefix' = & gt; 'admin '], FUNCTION () {
// only for admin

Answer 2, Authority 38%

Hello, I know this topic created a year ago, but I ran into the same and two previous comments did not work. I had to do it yourself.

Laravel 5.5 :

Create registration \ Authorization: PHP Artisan Migrate: Auth

Create a filtering mechanism:

In Terminal: PHP Artisan Make: Middleware Access

Open the App \ http \ middleware \ access.php


public function handle ($ request, closure $ next, $ role)
 Switch ($ Role) {
  Case 'Admin':
  If (! \ AUTH :: User ()) {
   if ($ Request- & gt; ajax ())
    Return Response ('Access Denied') - & gt; setstatuscode (403);
   ABORT (404);
  } ELSE.
  If (! $ Request- & gt; user () - & gt; is_admin) {
   if ($ Request- & gt; ajax ())
    Return Response ('Access Denied') - & gt; setstatuscode (403);
   ABORT (404);
  Return Response ('Access Denied') - & gt; setstatuscode (403);
 Return $ Next ($ Request);

Open App \ http \ kernel.php

In the variable $ ROUTEMIDDLEWARE with an array write:

'access' = & gt; \ APP \ HTTP \ Middleware \ Access :: Class,

Open App / user.php

In the variable $ hidden with an array write: 'is_admin'

Open Routes / Web.php

At the very end insert:

Route :: Group (['Middleware' = & gt; 'auth', 'middleware' = & gt; 'Access : admin '], function () {
 // here continue your creation
 Route :: Get ('Dashboard', Function () {Echo "Hello World";});

Open Database / Migrations / 2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table.php

and write down a new column in the table, namely:

$ table- & gt; biginteger ('is_admin') - & gt; default (0);

Save and now in the Terminal PHP Artisan Migrate: Reset We delete all the migrated tables, and now migrate the new PHP Artisan Migrate

Register the user.

Now go to your database and look at the ‘Users’ table appeared column is_admin with the value of 0 it means that you are not an admin, whatever you become admin 1

Checking Log by link MySite.com/Dashboard If you see Hello World So you Admin If not then you are not admin.

Answer 3

Route :: Group (['prefix' = & gt; 'admin', 'middleware' = & gt; 'auth '], FUNCTION () {

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