Home php SwiftMailer Yii2 Error trying to send mail

SwiftMailer Yii2 Error trying to send mail




What do wrong?
Copier with mailtrap.io Configuration for Yii

  'Components' = & gt; [
    'Mail' = & gt; [
      'Class' = & gt; 'Yii \ SwiftMailer \ Mailer',
      'TRANSPORT' = & GT; [
        'Class' = & gt; 'SWIFT_SMTPTRANSPORT',
        'host' = & gt; 'smtp.mailtrap.io',
        'username' = & gt; 'Uname',
        'password' = & gt; 'Upass',
        'port' = & gt; '587',
        'Encryption' = & gt; 'TLS',

Next in the controller

$ this- & gt; mailer- & gt; compose ()
      - & gt; setfrom ('[email protected] ')
      - & gt; setto ('[email protected] ')
      - & gt; SetSubject ('Email Sent from Yii2-SwiftMailer')
      - & gt; sen ();

and when trying to perform I get

Expected Response Code 220 But Got An Empty Response

I can not understand what the reason is.

PS: The project is deployed locally.

PSPS: just in case I will add composer.json here, because I use only the kernel Yii. Can you need to save?

  "REQUIRE": {
    "Yiisoft / Yii2": "^ 2.0",
    "VKCOM / VK-PHP-SDK": "5.95.0",
    "Yiisoft / Yii2-SwiftMailer": "^ 2.1"
    "PHPUNIT / PHPUNIT": "4.8.28"

Answer 1

In general, the problem is due to incorrect injection in the controller constructor, i.e. Did this:

__ construct (..., mailer $ mailer, ..., ...)

At the same time, its configs prescribed in the config / web.php file in the Components section.
Made like this:

Yii :: $ App- & gt; mailer- & gt; compose (...

And everything worked

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