How to Clean the House Table from all values. The columns themselves leave, you need to remove the contents. Made such an option, but I need not in one column, but for all. Try to replace “column” on “*”?
update "house" set "column" = null
Answer 1, Authority 100%
Team Delete
Deletes from the specified table Rows satisfying the condition Where
. If the WHERE
proposal is missing, it removes all the rows from the table, as a result work will be obtained, but an empty table.
delete from house;
Team Truncate
Quickly deletes all lines From the set of tables. It acts the same way as the unconditional Delete
command for each table, but much faster, as it actually does not scan the tables. Moreover, it immediately releases disk space, so it is not required to perform the Vacuum
operation. It is most useful for large tables.
truncate house;