Home python Delete Word from Python

Delete Word from Python




Again the shame question, I have a list of words and you need to remove them from the list by condition (without creating a new list)

words = "Here there is some kind of string and I need to remove words where more than 4 UNIC characters"
Words_sp = Words.Split ()
x = 0.
For Word in Words_sp:
  For i in Range (1, Len (Words_sp) +1):
    If Len (Set (Word)) & gt; 4:
      Words_Sp.pop (I)

Answer 1, Authority 100%

If you want to delete one item:

arr = ['test', 'Pest', 'Vest', 'Pest']
IF 'Pest' in Arr:
  Del Arr [Arr.Index ('Pest')]
Print (ARR)

If all items:

arr = ['test', 'Pest', 'Vest', 'Pest']
For i in Range (LEN (ARR) - 1, -1, -1):
  IF Arr [i] == 'Pest':
    Del Arr [i]
Print (ARR)

Len (Set (Word)) “- A4evsmisle 2 minutes ago

for i in range (LEN (ARR) - 1, -1, -1):
  IF LEN (SET (ARR [I]) & gt; 4:
    Del Arr [i]

Answer 2, Authority 67%

Well, if everything is new, then here:

words = "The condition that would delete all words in which more than 4 unique characters"
SP = WORDS.Split ()
For Word in sp.copy ():
  If Len (Set (Word)) & gt; 4:
    SP.Remove (Word)
Print (SP)


['in', 'tom', 'all', 'in', '4']

Explanation: You can not be content on the list and delete items from it – some elements of the list can then be missed. But you can make a copy and identify on it and then everything will be ok.

Well, either you need to go on the index as a back in advance, as done in other answers.

Answer 3

Well, somehow, probably:

sp = ['fiwaywap', 'fynfyphy', 'yvaav', 'autrospv', 'fusevfyv']
for sp_item in sp:
  IF LEN (SET (SP_IEM)) & gt; 4:
    sp.Remove (sp_item)

Result: [‘Fyfyfyfy’, ‘Ywaav’, ‘Fizhvfyv’]

All words where more than 4 unique characters are removed. As requested.


words = "The condition that would delete all words in which more than 4 unique characters"
SP = WORDS.Split ('')
For sp_item in sp [:: - 1]:
  IF LEN (SET (SP_IEM)) & gt; 4:
    sp.Remove (sp_item)
Out [12]: ['in', 'Tom', 'All', 'V', '4']

And for sure – no copies.

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