Home python DLL LOAD FAILED: The specified module is not found. Python

DLL LOAD FAILED: The specified module is not found. Python




Python 3.7.7 64 Bit. Windows 10 64 Bit

installed the vosk module with Pip Install https://github.com/dtreskunov/tiny-kaldi/releases/download/ CP37M-WIN_AMD64.WHL . Everything was established, but when I try to import this module gives the error from. Import _VOSK.
Importerror: DLL LOAD FAILED: said Module.

Although in the Site-Packages folder there is a vosk

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Most likely vosk.pyd 32 bit or lacks one more dl, try to install from PIP from source

there is vosk.pyd from Python 3.8, which can not linked with another version of Python.

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