Home python Error, The System Cannot Find The File Specified

Error, The System Cannot Find The File Specified





C: \ users \ admin \ appdata \ roaming \ pythoninterperter \ lib \ site-packages \ pydub \ Utils.py : 170: RuntimeWarning: Couldn't Find FFMpeg or Avconv - Defaulting to FFmpeg, But May Not Work
 WARN ("Couldn't Find FFmpeg or Avconv - Defaulting to FFmpeg, But May Not Work", RuntimeWarning)
C: \ users \ admin \ appdata \ roaming \ pythoninterperter \ lib \ site-packages \ pydub \ Utils.py: 198: RuntimeWarning: Couldn't Find FFProbe or Avprobe - Defaulting to FFProbe, But May Not Work
 WARN ("Couldn't Find FFProbe or Avprobe - Defaulting to FFProbe, But May Not Work", RuntimeWarning)
Traceback (MOST Recent Call Last):
 File "C: \ users \ admin \ appdata \ roaming \ projects \ musicsystem \ test1.py", Line 3, in & lt; module & gt;
  Sound = audiosegement.from_mp3 ('test.mp3')
 File "C: \ users \ admin \ appdata \ roaming \ pythoninterperter \ lib \ site-packages \ pydub \ audio_segment.py", line 738, in from_mp3
  Return CLS.From_File (File, 'Mp3', Parameters = Parameters)
 File "C: \ users \ admin \ appdata \ roaming \ pythoninterperter \ lib \ site-packages \ pydub \ audio_segment.py", line 685, in from_file
  info = mediainfo_json (orig_file, read_aead_limit = read_ahaad_limit)
 File "C: \ users \ admin \ appdata \ roaming \ pythoninterperter \ lib \ site-packages \ pydub \ utils.py", line 274, in mediainfo_json
  Res = Popen (Command, Stdin = stdin_parameter, stdout = pipe, stderr = pipe)
 File "C: \ users \ admin \ appdata \ roaming \ pythoninterperter \ lib \ subpprcess.py", Line 947, in __init__
  self._execute_child (Args, Executable, Preexec_fn, Close_fds,
 File "C: \ users \ admin \ appdata \ roaming \ pythoninterperter \ lib \ subpprcess.py", Line 1416, in _Execute_Child
FileNotFounderror: [Winerror 2] The System Cannot Find The File Specified

file lies next to the script; FFMPEG in Path.

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Do you have a


Couldn’t Find FFMpeg or AvConv

That is, the system does not set FFMPEG or Avconv , or they are not spelled out in the ways, in general, the library you use cannot find one of these utilities And launch it. There are quite a lot of python biliothek that do not work without certain utilities installed in the system – because they do not duplicate their functionality, but simply provide them with the interface in the form of a library and without the utility itself to which they appear, they cannot work.

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