Home python How can I consider a color from pixel in python

How can I consider a color from pixel in python




Suppose there is a site on which three rectangles are located. As I can find out the color and make to variables, even through the number (i.e., red – 1, green – 2, yellow – 3)?

Answer 1, Authority 100%

from pil import imagegrab
image = image ()
Class Pixel:
  Def __init __ (Self, Position, Color):
    Self.position = Position
    Self.color = Color.
Class Image:
  Def __init __ (Self):
    self.image_obj = imagegrab.grab (BBOX = (0, 0, 100, 100)) # do screenshot
    self.pixels = self.image.load () # take all pixels
  DEF Get_Pixel (Self, X, Y):
    RETURN PIXEL ((X, Y), Self.pixels [x, y])

For example:
print (1, 1) .color) will return color, conditionally, “255, 255, 255”

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