You need to create a window within which the GROUPBOX will be in which the buttons will be dynamically added.
In case of outputting beyond the boundaries, I want to appear Scroll, but he completely refuses to perceive my attempts and appear on the screen.
At the moment I will not imagine what the problem is, I hope for help, thanks in advance!
# - * - Coding: UTF-8 - * -
from pyqt5 import qtcore, qtwidgets
Import sys.
App = Qtwidgets.Qapplication (SYS.Argv)
Window = qtwidgets.qwidget ()
Window.setWindowTitle ("Scroll")
Window.Resize (300,700)
MainBox = Qtwidgets.qvboxlayout () # here Let's place GROUPBOX
vbox = qtwidgets.qvboxlayout () # for buttons
scroll = qtwidgets.qscrolllarea () # to scroll must groupbox
Group = qtwidgets.qgroupbox ("Check me") # this groupbox
Scroll.SetWidget (Group) # for this I pass it in scrollarea
For i in Range (50): # Put the buttons
vbox.addwidget (qtwidgets.qpushbutton ("Button {}". Format (i)))
Group.setLayout (Vbox) # We throw the area with the buttons to the group
MainBox.Addwidget (Group) # We throw a group to the main layer
Window.Setlayout (MainBox) # fix the main layer
Window.Show ()
sys.exit (app.exec_ ())
Answer 1, Authority 100%
I led to you a more functional example and noted how to do it.
from pyqt5 import qtwidgets, qtgui, qtcore
Class GroupBox (qtwidgets.qgroupbox):
clicked = qtcore.pyqtsignal (STR, OBJECT)
Def __init __ (Self, Title):
Super (GroupBox, Self) .__ init __ ()
self.title = title
Self.Settitle (Self.title)
Def Mousepressevent (Self, Event):
Child = Self.Childat (Event.pos ())
IF Not Child:
Child = Self.
self.clicalked.emit (Self.title, Child)
Class Mainwindow (qtwidgets.qmainwindow):
Def __init __ (Self):
Super (Mainwindow, Self) .__ init __ ()
Self.setWindowTitle ("Scroll")
Self.Resize (300,700)
centralwidget = qtwidgets.qwidget ()
layout = qtwidgets.qvboxLayout ()
Centralwidget.Setlayout (Layout)
Self.SetCentralWidget (Centralwidget)
My_Tree = qtwidgets.Qtreewidget ()
layout.addwidget (My_Tree)
alpha = qtwidgets.QtreewidGetItem (My_Tree, ['Alpha'])
Beta = qtwidgets.QtreewidgetItem (My_Tree, ['Beta'])
alpha.addchild (qtwidgets.qtreewidgetItem (['One']))
alpha.addchild (qtwidgets.qtreewidgetItem (['Two']))
beta.addchild (qtwidgets.qtreewidgetItem (['first']))
Beta.addchild (qtwidgets.QtreewidgetItem (['Second']))
My_Tree.Expandall ()
alpha.child (0) .setselected (True)
# +++ vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
scroll = qtwidgets.qscrolllarea ()
Layout.Addwidget (Scroll)
SCROLLLAYOUT = qtwidgets.qvboxlayout ()
Scrollw = qtwidgets.qwidget ()
Scroll.SetWidget (Scrollw)
ScrollW.Setlayout (ScrollLayout)
ScrollLayout.Setalignment (qtcore.qt.alignTop)
Scroll.SetverticalScrollBarPolicy (qtcore.qt.scrollwayson)
scroll.sethorizontalscrollbarpolicy (qtcore.qt.scrollbaralwaysOsoff)
Scroll.setWidgetResizable (True)
# +++ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
For _ in Range (5):
FOOGRUP = GroupBox (F'Groupbox _ {_} ')
FOOGRUP.SetOggjectName (F'Foogroup {_} ')
fooogroup.clicalked.connect (self.onfoogroupClick)
FOOLAYOUT = qtwidgets.Qvboxlayout ()
FOOGRUP.Setlayout (Foolayout)
FOOTEM1 = qtwidgets.QLabel ("FOOTEM1", OBJECTNAME = "FOOTEM1")
FOOTEM1.SetStylesheet ('Background: # 44FFFF')
FOOTEM2 = qtwidgets.QLabel ("FOOTEM2", OBJECTNAME = "FOOTEM2")
FOOTEM2.SetStyleSheet ('Background: # ffff56;')
FOOTEM3 = qtwidgets.QLabel ("FOOTEM3", OBJECTNAME = "FOOTEM3")
FooIeTem3.SetStylesheet ('Background: # FF42FF;')
Foolayout.addwidget (FOOTEM2)
ScrollLayout.addwidget (FOOGroup) # +++
DEF OnfoogroupClick (Self, Title, OBJ):
Print (F "Group: {title}; ObjectName =` {Obj.ObjectName ()} `")
if __name__ == '__main__':
App = Qtwidgets.Qapplication ([])
Window = MainWindow ()
Window.Show ()
app.exec_ ()
If after studying something is not clear, ask.
import sys
from pyqt5.qt import *
Class Widget (QWidget):
Def __init __ (Self):
Super () .__ init __ ()
widget = qwidget ()
#Layout of Container Widget
Layout = QvboxLayout (Self)
For _ in Range (20):
BTN = QPushButton ("Test")
layout.addwidget (BTN)
Widget.SetlaYout (Layout)
#Scroll Area Properties.
scroll = qscrolllarea ()
Scroll.SetverticalScrollBarPolicy (Qt.ScrollBaraLewayson)
Scroll.SethorizontalscrollBarpolicy (Qt.ScrollBaraLewaysoff)
Scroll.setWidgetResizable (True)
Scroll.SetWidget (Widget)
#Scroll Area Layer Add
Self.setLayout (VLAYOUT)
if __name__ == '__main__':
App = Qapplication (SYS.Argv)
Dialog = widget () ()
app.exec_ ()
Answer 2
As stated in documentation
Note that you must add leiaut widget before calling SetWidget;
If you add it later, the widget will not be visible – even if
Call Show for scrolling area.Note That You Must Add The Layout Of Widget Before You Call This
FUNCTION; IF You Add It Later, The Widget Will Not Be Visible –
Regardless of what you show () The Scroll Area. In This Case, You Can
That is, for the appearance of the scrolling, the command sequence should be like this:
# 1. Installation of a liauta for a widget
Group.setLayout (Vbox) # We throw the area with the buttons to the group
# 2. then adding a group to scroll
Scroll.SetWidget (Group)