Home python How to decrypt AES SHA-256 CBC?

How to decrypt AES SHA-256 CBC?




There is a string that is encrypted with this algorithm.

b '{"Merchantid": "xxxxxxxxxx", "tokenid": "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"}'

at the exit I see a payload

In debug mode, I see the trail. settings

Trying the Decrypt method to decline the line – gives

from base64 import b16encode, b16decode
from os import urandom
From Cryptography Import X509
from cryptography.hazmat.Backends import Default_Backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes Import Sha1
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers Import Cipher, Algorithms, Modes
From Gateway.Exceptions Import ConfigurationError
Class Crypt:
  "" "AES-256-CBC CRYPTO Class" ""
  IV_LENGTH = 16.
  token = ""
  CERT = ""
  Def __init __ (Self, Conf_Token, Conf_Cert):
    DEF Get_repr_fp (CERT):
      Fingerprint = X509.Load_pem_x509_Certificate (
          CERT, DEFAULT_BACKEND ()). FingerPrint (SHA1 ())
      FingerPrint = B16ENCODE (FingerPrint) .Decode ()
      RETURN ":". JOIN (STR (Fingerprint [i: I + 2]). Upper () for i in Range (
        0, len (fingerprint), 2))
      token = conf_token.
      Return (".join (
          CHR (ORD (X) | ORD (Y))
          For x, y in zip (FP, Token)) [: len (token)]). Encode ()
      With Open (Conf_Cert, 'Rb') AS F:
        Pub = F.Read ()
        F.Close ()
      fingerprint = get_repr_fp (pub)
      EncryptKey = Gen_Key (FingerPrint)
    Except Typeerror AS E:
      Raise ConfigurationError () from E
    Aes = Algorithms.aes (EncryptKey)
    self.block_size = aes.block_size
    Self.Key_Length = int (AES.KEY_SIZE / 8)
    Self .__ DecryptKey = Fingerprint [: Self.key_LengTh] .encode ()
    Self .__ EncryptKey = EncryptKey
  Def __cipher (Self, Key, IV):
    AES = Algorithms.aes (Key)
    Return Cipher (AES, MODES.CBC (IV), Backend = Default_Backend ())
  Def Encryptor (Self, IV):
    RETURN SELF .__ CIPHER (Self .__ EncryptKey, IV) .Nencryptor ()
  Def Decryptor (Self, IV):
    Return Self .__ Cipher (Self .__ DecryptKey, IV) .decryptor ()
  Def __Pad_Data (Self, Data):
    "" "Add Null Padding to Data" ""
    block_bytes = int (self.block_size / 8)
    Data = Data + Bytes (Block_bytes - Len (Data)% block_bytes))
    Return Data.
  Def __unpad_data (Self, Data):
    Return Data.Decode (). Strip ()
  Def Encrypt (Self, Data):
    IV = urandom (Self.IV_LENGTH)
    Encryptor = Self.encryptor (IV)
    RETURN B16ENCODE (IV + (Self .__ Pad_Data (
      DATA)) + encryptor.finalize ()))
  Def Decrypt (Self, Data):
    "" "Decrypt Content" ""
    Data = B16Decode (data.upper ())
    decryptor = self.decryptor (Data [: Self.IV_LENGTH])
      decryptor.update (Data [Self.IV_LENGTH:]) + decryptor.finalize ())
C = Crypt (conf_token = "xxxxxxxxxxxx +", conf_cert = "yyyy.pem")
Rawtext = "ZZZZ"
a = rawtext.encode ()
z = c.encrypt (a)
Print ("Encrypted -:", z)
f = c.decrypt (z)
Print (F)

Answer 1, Authority 100%

AES is a symmetrical cipher. This means that the data is encrypted and decrypted the same key

In addition, the “closed key” you form as some kind of incomprehensible string with colon.

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