Home python How to draw a graph of the word and its dependent words?

How to draw a graph of the word and its dependent words?




I have a word and its dependent words:

modifiers = counter ()
For Tree In B:
D = DependencyGraph (Tree)
d.root = d.Nodes [0]
Triples = List (d.triples ())
For E1, REL, E2 in Triples:
  IF E1 [0] == 'Watch' and REL == 'OBJ':
    Modifiers [E2 [0]] + = 1
 AV = DICT (modifiers)
 {'pity': 1, 'for a long time': 1, 'children': 1, 'tragic': 2, 'face': 1, 'pleasure': 1, 'Opportunity': 1, 'His': 1,' Action ': 1,' Gadko ': 1}

I also have dependent dependent words.

For example, for the word “nothing”:

modifiers2 = counter ()
For Tree In B:
D = DependencyGraph (Tree)
d.root = d.Nodes [0]
Triples = List (d.triples ())
For E1, REL, E2 in Triples:
  IF E1 [0] == 'Nothing' and Rel == 'Amod':
    Modifiers2 [E2 [0]] + = 1

Now I need to draw a graph, but I do not know how. Can you please help.

Answer 1, Authority 100%

In order to draw a graph using the NETWORKX module, you must first create a graph. This can be done in different ways, for example, by setting a list of edges or an adjacent matrix.

Example with a list of edges and a dictionary with vertex weights:

import networkx as nx
Import Matplotlib.pyPlot AS PLT
Data = [
 ["Watch", "Runway"], ["Watch", "children"],
 ["For a long time", "sleep"], ["for a long time", "sit"],
 ["Sleep", "Sweet"], ["sleep", "firmly"],
 ["Children", "educate"], ["children", "care"]
Weights = {
 'Watch': 2, 'For a long time': 1.5, 'children': 1.5, 'sleep': 1, 'Sit': 1, 'Sweet': 1,
 'Hard': 1, 'bring up': 1, 'Careful': 1
attrs = {Key: {"Weight": Val} for key, val in weights.items ()}
G = NX.Graph ()
G.add_edges_from (DATA)
nx.set_node_attributes (G, ATTRS)
node_size = [a ["Weight"] * 600 for n, a in g.nodes (Data = True)]
Fig, AX = PLT.SUBPLOTS (FIGSIZE = (10.10))
Plt.Show ()

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