Home python How to enlarge code text or window size in pycharm?

How to enlarge code text or window size in pycharm?




tried to use the standard combination of Ctrl + S, but it does not help. Maybe there are other hotkeys?

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Also in the settings (file- & gt; Settings ), you can enable a change in scale using Ctrl and Mouse Kollyovo:

Answer 2, Authority 100%

You can set a convenient combination: Settings – & gt; Keymap – & gt; We find all the settings for the font on the keyword ‘font’ – & gt; click right-click on the desired one – & gt; Select ‘Add Keybord Shortcut’ – & gt; We specify a convenient combination

Answer 3

1. File - & gt; Settings ...
2. In Left Side Expand Editor - & gt; Font
4. Press "APPLY" and "OK"

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