Home python How to make a bot telegram wrote in bold?

How to make a bot telegram wrote in bold?




Tell me please how to make the bottle of the bot written in bold?
For example, how to make BSUT Helper V0.1 Alpha Bot wrote fat, and the date of exit, italics?

@ bot.message_handler (content_types = ['text'])
Def Send_Text (Message):
  If Message.Text == 'About the project 📌':
    Bot.Send_Message (Message.chat.id, 'BSUT Helper V0.1 Alpha. \ N Pre-update: 18.11.2020 \ Nade output: 18.11.2020 \ N Developer @ Mikitos59', Reply_MarkUp = Keyboard2)

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Telegram supports two markup formats: HTML and MARKDOWN.

Example using MarkDown.

bot.send_message (message.chat.id, '* BSUT Helper V0.1 Alpha. \ N's latest update: 18.11 .2020 \ Nade output: 18.11.2020 \ N Developer @ Mikitos59 * ', Reply_MarkUp = Keyboard2, Parse_Mode = "MarkDown")

between * text * The test will be bold and between _Text _ italic.

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