There are 2 files. A random line is taken from the first. It is necessary to make it so that after choosing a string compared if it is in a 2 file if there is, choose again, and if not, then go further. Help please implement code.
import random
PROF = (Random.Choice (Open ('C: /Ussers/Denga/Desktop/Bunker/proff.txt', 'R', Encoding = "UTF-8"))))
F2 = Open ("C: /Ussers/denga/Desktop/Bunker/vibor.txt", 'W')
"There must be a comparison"
My_File = Open ("rez.txt", 'W')
My_File.Write (PROF)
My_file.Close ()
Answer 1, Authority 100%
Approximately so
Def Do_something (Value):
# Enough let it be
My_file = Open ("rez.txt", 'A', Encoding = 'UTF-8')
My_File.Write (Value.Rstrip ('\ n'))
My_file.Close ()
if __name__ == '__main__':
With Open ('values_to_compare.txt', 'R', Encoding = 'UTF-8') AS Values_TO_COMPARE:
Values = Values_to_Compare.Readlines ()
With Open ('Values_List.txt', 'R', Encoding = 'UTF-8') AS VALUES_LIST:
List_Values = Values_List.Readlines ()
For v in values:
if v in list_values:
do_something (V)
But the fact that above wrote is a comparison of strings (file contents) but not files. About comparison of files below:
import hashlib
if __name__ == '__main__':
File_1 = Open ('stock_manager /', 'rb')
File_2 = Open ('', 'Rb')
hash_1 = hashlib.md5 ( ())
hash_2 = hashlib.md5 ( ())
File_1.Close ()
File_2.Close ()
Print (hash_1.hexdigest () == hash_2.hexdigest ())