Home python How to rescue the site dns-shop.ru?

How to rescue the site dns-shop.ru?




tried to do this:

Def Parser (Search):
  Headers = {'X-Requested-with': 'xmlhttprequest',
        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Wow64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, LIKE GECKO) Chrome / 77.0.3865.120 Yabrowser / yowser / 2.5 Safari / 537.36'}
  url = 'https://www.dns-shop.ru/search/?q=' + search + '& amp; p = 1'
  Sesia = Requests.session ()
  Request = sesia.get (URL, Headers = Headers, Timeout = 5)
  Soup = BS (Request.Content, 'HTML.PARSER')
  Products = Soup.find_all ('Div', {'Class': 'Catalog-Item'})

tried through Selenium:

Def Parser (Search):
  url = 'https://www.dns-shop.ru/search/?q=' + search + '& amp; p = 1'
  Driver = WebDriver.chrome (chromedrivermanager (). Install ())
  CONTENT = driver.page_source.

In response, I get everything except the goods as I understood works JSON. Please tell me how to spar it product.
Displays this script + footer

& lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt;
  (Function (I, S, O, G, R, A, M) {i ['googleAnalyticsObject'] = R; I [R] = I [R] || FUNCTION () {
      (I [R] .Q = i [R] .Q || []). Push (Arguments)}, I [R] .l = 1 * New Date (); A = S.CreateElement (O),
    m = s.getelementsBytagname (O) [0]; A.async = 1; A.Src = g; m.parentnode.insertBefore (A, M)
  }) (Window, Document, 'script', 'https: //www.google-nalytics.com/analytics.js'j'ga');
  GA ('CREATE', 'UA-8349380-2', 'AUTO');
  GA ('Require', 'Linkid');
  Ga ('Require', 'EC');
  ga ('set', 'dimension1', 'moscow');
  if (undefined! == window.commerce_param_buy) {
    GA ('SET', 'Dimension2', window.commerce_param_buy);
  Ga ('send', 'pageview');
& lt; / script & gt;
& lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt;
  / ** @Type {yandexdataalyer} * /
  Window.dataLayer = Window.dataLayer || [];
    Try {
    var yaparams = {"city": "MOSCOW"};
    (Function (M, E, T, R, I, K, A) {
      m [i] = m [i] || Function () {
        (m [i] .a = m [i] .a || []). Push (arguments);
      m [i] .l = 1 * new date ();
      If (undefined! == M.commerce_param_buy) {
        yaparams.buy = m.commerce_param_buy;
      k = e.createelement (t), a = e.getelementsbytagname (t) [0], k.async = 1, k.src = r, a.parentnode.insertBefore (k, a)})
    (Window, Document, "Script", "https://mc.yandex.ru/metrika/tag.js", "ym");
    ym (7967056, "init", {
      Clickmap: True,
      TrackLinks: True,
      AccurateTrackBounce: True,
      Webvisor: True,
      TrackHash: True,
      Ecommerce: "DataLayer",
      Params: yaparams
    window.yacounterreachgoal = function (E, P) {ym (7967056, 'Reachgoal', E, P); }
  } Catch (E) {}
& lt; / script & gt;

Answer 1, Authority 100%

If you specify the query header x-Requested-with ':' xmlhttprequest ', then in response, it will come JSON , otherwise – honest HTML .

The first contains the search data itself, the second is the search data and a lot of things (Header, Footer, scripts, etc.).

Therefore, when receiving a response, you need to use the PARRER JSON , and then the PARRER HTML .


import json
from urllib.parse import urljoin
From BS4 Import Beautifulsoup
Import Requests.
DEF Get_Products (Search: Str) - & gt; List:
  Headers = {
    'X-Requested-with': 'xmlhttprequest',
    'User-Agent': 'Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; RV: 70.0) GECKO / 20100101 Firefox / 70.0'
  URL = F'Https: //www.dns-shop.ru/search/? q = {search} & amp; p = 1 & amp; Order = Popular & amp; stock = all '
  Session = Requests.session ()
  session.headers.update (Headers)
  RS = session.get (URL)
  Data = JSON.Loads (RS.Text) 
Root = Beautifulsoup (Data ['HTML'], 'HTML.PARSER')
  Items = []
  For a in root.select ('. Product-Info__Title-Link & GT; A'):
    Items.append (
      (A.Get_Text (Strip = True), URLJOIN (RS.URL, A ['HREF'])))
  Return Items.


if __name__ == '__main__':
  Name = 'Video Cards'
  Items = Get_Products (Name)
  Print (F'Search {Name! R} ... ')
  Print (F 'RESULT ({Len (Items)):')
  For Title, URL in Items:
    Print (F '{title! R}: {url}')
  Print ()


search 'video cards' ...
 Result (18):
  'MSI AMD Radeon RX 570 Armor OC [Rx 570 Armor 8G OC]': https://www.dns-shop.ru/product/2BEC09E3FC2E330/Videokarta-msi-MD-RADEON-RX-570-Armor-C RX-570-Armor-8G-OC /
  'MSI GeForce RTX 2060 Super Ventus OC [RTX 2060 Super Ventus OC]': https://www.dns-shop.ru/product/06580877a9c61b80/videokarta-msi-geforce-rtx-2060-super-ventus- ° RTX-2060-Super-Ventus-OC /
  'MSI GeForce RTX 2070 Super Gaming X TRIO video card [RTX 2070 Super Gaming X TRIO]': https://www.dns-shop.ru/product/893d7d1698bb3332/videokarta-msi-geforce-rtx-2070-super-gaming X-TRIO-RTX-2070-Super-Gaming-X-TRIO /
  'Video card Palit GeForce RTX 2060 Gaming Pro [NE62060018J9-1062A]': https://www.dns-shop.ru/product/89eb26e2156d1b80/videokarta-palit-geforce-rtx-2060-gaming-pro-ne62060018j9-1062a/
  'Sapphire AMD Radeon RX 590 Pulse video card [11289-06-20g]': https://www.dns-shop.ru/product/d4aa3e2690ab1b80/videokarta-sapphire-amd-radeon-rx-590-pulse-11289-06 -20g /
  'Cardboard Palit GeForce GTX 1660 Dual OC [NE51660S18J9-1161A]': https://www.dns-shop.ru/product/25db5664658c3332/videokarta-palit-geforce-gtx-1660-dual-oc-ne51660s18j9-1161a/
  'Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1660 OC [GV-N1660OC-6GD] video card': https://www.dns-shop.ru/product/38d7d1eb43d73332/videokarta-gigabyte-geforce-gigabyte-geforce-gtx-1660-oc-gv-n1660oc-6gd/
  'MSI AMD Radeon RX 570 Armor OC [RX 570 Armor OC]': https://www.dns-shop.ru/product/90db0b7a1f5f3330/videokarta-msi-amd-RADEON-RX-570-Armor-C RX-570-Armor-4G-OC /
  'Gigabyte AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT Gaming OC [GV-R57xtGaming OC-8GD]': https://www.dns-shop.ru/product/ec8f0a1dbfde1b80/videokarta-gigabyte-amd-gradeon-rx-5700-xt Gaming-OC-GV-R57XTGAMING-OC-8GD /
  'Gigabyte GeForce RTX 2060 Super Gaming OC [GV-N206Sgaming OC-8GC]': https://www.dns-shop.ru/product/bfa21bf998943332/videokarta-gigabyte-geforce-rtx-2060-super-gaming-oc -GV-N206SGAMING-OC-8GC /
  'MSI GeForce GTX 1660 Ventus XS 6G OCV1 Video Card [GTX 1660 Ventus XS 6G OCV1]': https://www.dns-shop.ru/product/1EF66ABCB1E3332/Videokarta-MSi-GeForce-GTX-1660-ventus-xS- 6G-OCV1-GTX-1660-Ventus-XS-6G-OCV1 /
  'MSI GeForce GTX 1660 Ventus XS OC [GTX 1660 Ventus XS 6G OC]': https://www.dns-shop.ru/product/849575aa4ac13332/videokarta-msi-geforce-gtx-1660-ventus-xs-oc -GTX-1660-Ventus-XS-6G-OC /
  'Video card KFA2 GeForce RTX 2070 Super Ex - 1 Click OC [27ISL6MDU9EK]': https://www.dns-shop.ru/product/ea111905a77a1b80/videokarta-kfa2-geforce-rtx-2070-supere-ex---1 -Click-OC-27ISL6MDU9EK /
  'MSI GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Gaming X [GTX 1660 TI Gaming X 6G]': https://www.dns-shop.ru/product/b3643ee130d03332/videokarta-msi-geforce-gtx-1660-ti-gaming-x -GTX-1660-Ti-Gaming-X-6G /
  'Sapphire AMD Radeon RX 570 Pulse video card [11266-66-20g]': https://www.dns-shop.ru/product/5a1c9bea39693332/videokarta-sapphire-amd-radeon-rx-570-pulse-11266-66 -20g /
  'MSI GeForce RTX 2060 Super Gaming X [RTX 2060 Super Gaming X]': https://www.dns-shop.ru/product/12eaefb3a9c71b80/videokarta-msi-geforce-rtx-2060-super-gaming-x RTX-2060-Super-Gaming-X /
  'MSI GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Armor OC [GTX 1660 Ti Armor 6G OC]': https://www.dns-shop.ru/product/c1bedbe329171b80/videokarta-msi-geforce-gtx-1660-ti-armor-oc -GTX-1660-Ti-Armor-6G-OC /
  'Sapphire AMD RADEON RX 590 Nitro + Special Edition OC video card [11289-01-20g]': https://www.dns-shop.ru/product/9013d2b9e6da1b80/videokarta-sapphire-md-radeon-rx-590-nitro- Special-Edition-OC-11289-01-20G /


Here it looks like PRINT (RS.TEXT) :

Answer 2, Authority 17%

We can work with ready-made prices (for example: https: // www.dns-shop.ru/files/price/price-Spb.zip ), in the room to be made thousands of requests to the site. Link for your city located in Footer Pages

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