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I can not transfer the value of ComboBox and Entry to the function. Python Tkinter GUI




in Python, especially in Tkinter I am a beginner, I am writing a calorie calculator as semester. There was a problem of transmitting the values ​​of dishes_box.get () and grams.get () from a child window, which is caused by the function, to the add_a_dish () function, which is the command for the button. I tried to use and lambda expressions and partial function, but the result did not achieve.

def choose_dish (name, massa):
  Name = dishes_box.get ()
  Base_of_Dishes = Open ('dishes.txt', Encoding = 'UTF-8')
  For Line in Base_of_Dishes:
    Line = line.split (',')
    IF Line [0] == STR (Name):
      Bilok_Now = Float (Line [1]) * (Float (Massa) / 100)
      Jir_Now = Float (Line [2]) * (Float (Massa) / 100)
      Vyg_Now = Float (Line [3]) * (Float (Massa) / 100)
      Calories_Now = Float (Line [4]) * (Float (Massa) / 100)
      Base_of_dishes.Close ()
Def add_a_dish ():
  a = []
  Base_of_Dishes = Open ('dishes.txt', Encoding = 'UTF-8')
  For Line in Base_of_Dishes:
    Line = line.split (',')
    A.APPEND (str (Line [0]))
  Base_of_dishes.Close ()
  grams = tk.intvar ()
  Window = TK.Toplevel (Master = Calculator_Window)
  Window.Geometry ('300x200')
  Window.title ('Dalid Strut ")
  TK.Label (Window, Text = 'Ober_nuvous List Introducts ї, font =' arial 8 '). Pack ()
  dishes_box = tk.ttk.comBoBox (Window, Values ​​= A)
  dishes_box.pack ()
  x = dishes_box.get ()
  TK.Label (Window, Text = 'Vaga in gramm:'). Pack ()
  TK.Entry (Window, TextVariable = Grams) .Pack ()
  TK.Button (Window, Text = 'OK', Command = Partial (choose_dish, x, grams.get ())). Pack (Pady = 10)

Thank you in advance)

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Instead of Partial you need to use lambda, because You .get Methods are called immediately when you create a button, and you need to be called only after pressing the button:

tk.button (window, text = 'ok', Command = Lambda: Choose_Dish (dishes_box.get (), grams.get ())). Pack (Pady = 10)

Well and in choose_dish Remove the name = dishes_box.get () string, because The name is already transmitted through the Name parameter.

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