Home python I want to make a link to the discord server, but the...

I want to make a link to the discord server, but the link is not clickable. What to do?




I want to make a link to the discord server, but the link is not clickable. What to do?
My code:

@ bot.command ()
async def help (ctx):
  embed = discord.Embed (color = 0x232323, title = 'Command navigation')
  embed.add_field (name = ': eyes: Bot info', value = '. info')
  embed.add_field (name = ': detective: Utilities', value = '. utilities')
  embed.add_field (name = ': video_game: Interesting game', value = '. game')
  embed.add_field (name = ': hammer_pick: Moderation commands', value = '. moderation')
  embed.add_field (name = ': radio: Ping', value = '. ping')
  embed.add_field (name = 'Add bot to your server', value = '[Link to add] (https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=794873293148651564&permissions=8&scope=bot)' , inline = False)
  embed.add_field (name = 'Official bot server', value = '[Click] (https://discord.com/invite/urvGgmn5Fw)', inline = False)
  await ctx.send (embed = embed) ,,,,

Answer 1

Propose to do it via Cog

Create a file in the same folder where the main bot file is named, for example, help.py and paste the code below:

import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from discord import utils
from discord.utils import get
import os
class Help (commands.Cog):
  def __init __ (self, bot):
    self.bot = bot
    self.invite = '' # link to add the bot
    self.server = '' # link to server
  @ commands.command ()
  async def help (self, ctx):
    embed = discord.Embed (
      title = "Command Navigation",
      timestamp = ctx.message.created_at,
      color = 0x232323
    embed.add_field (
      name = ': eyes: Bot information',
      value = '.info'
    embed.add_field (
      name = ": detective: Utilities",
      value = ".utilities",
      inline = False
    embed.add_field (
      name = ": video_game: Interesting game",
      value = ".game",
      inline = False
    embed.add_field (
      name = ": hammer_pick: Moderation Commands",
      value = ".moderation",
      inline = True
    embed.add_field (
      name = ": radio: Ping",
      value = ".ping",
      inline = True
    embed.add_field (
      name = "Add bot to your server",
      value = "[Link to add] ({0.invite})". format (self),
      inline = False
    embed.add_field (
      name = "Official bot server",
      value = "[Click] ({0.server})". format (self),
      inline = False
    await ctx.send (embed = embed)
def setup (bot):
  bot.add_cog (Help (bot))

Then, in the main bot file, write the following:

bot.load_extension ('cog.help') # here you need to specify the path to the file, for example, you have a folder called cog

For more details, see here and here

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