I take an example from the documentation (http://docs.grablib.org /ru/LateSt/Grab/Text_Search.html#id2 ) and just copy it. He does not work. Error
is issued
/ library / frameworks / python.framework / versions / 3.5 / lib / python3.5 / site-packages / grab / autil/warning.py:28: GrabDeprecationWarning: Call to Deplecated Function Search. Use grab.doc.text_search instead.
WARN (Message)
All code:
from grab import grab
G = grab ()
url = 'https://news.yandex.ru/index.rss'
G.go (URL)
G.Search (U'yandex'.encode ('UTF-8'), Byte = True)
Answer 1, Authority 100%
Use G.Doc.Text_Search
code in the end looks like this:
from grab import grab
G = grab ()
url = 'https://news.yandex.ru/index.rss'
G.go (URL)
Print (G.Doc.Text_Search (U'yandex'.encode ('UTF-8'), Byte = True))
Thanks to the user @soon