Home python Python 3.8.6. SyntaXerror: Multiple Statements Found While Compiling A Single Statement. As...

Python 3.8.6. SyntaXerror: Multiple Statements Found While Compiling A Single Statement. As soon as I write ELSE:





a = 10
IF A & GT; ten:
 Print ("More")

After “ELSE:” Press ENTER, and issues an error:

Help how to solve?

Answer 1, Authority 100%

  1. An extra penny in front of the else
  2. after ELSE must follow any expression (if you do not need anything, remove the else block)

Correct Option:

a = 10
IF A & GT; ten:
  Print ("More")


a = 10
IF A & GT; ten:
  Print ("More")

Answer 2

Else It is necessary without an arrogance regarding if

a = 10
IF A & GT; ten:
  Print ("More")

Answer 3

Thank you very much for your help.
In general, I solved everything so.
Posted by the code by the abbreviated option. Everything was performed without errors. Only the riddle still remains the same for non-abbreviated text. Most likely, shell perceives only metered information as well as it turned out, Linux’s command line, too.

Here is the code itself:
Print ("Yes") if a == 10 Else Print ("Another")

Answer 4

The reason is what I wrote somewhere else, and then copied to the IDLE. Do not do this.

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