Home python Python fixed decimal places

Python fixed decimal places




Does python have an analogue of the toFixed () function in JS? I need something like this:

& gt; & gt; & gt; a = 12.3456789
& gt; & gt; & gt; a.toFixed (2)
'12 .35 '
& gt; & gt; & gt; a.toFixed (0)
& gt; & gt; & gt; b = 12.000001
& gt; & gt; & gt; b.toFixed (3)
'12 .000 '

Answer 1, authority 100%

Analogue Number.prototype. toFixed () from JavaScript in Python 3.6+:

def toFixed (numObj, digits = 0):
  return f "{numObj:. {digits} f}"


& gt; & gt; & gt; numObj = 12345.6789
& gt; & gt; & gt; toFixed (numObj)
& gt; & gt; & gt; toFixed (numObj, 1)
& gt; & gt; & gt; toFixed (numObj, 6)
& gt; & gt; & gt; toFixed (1.23e + 20, 2)
& gt; & gt; & gt; toFixed (1.23e-10, 2)
& gt; & gt; & gt; toFixed (2.34, 1)
& gt; & gt; & gt; toFixed (2.35, 1)
& gt; & gt; & gt; toFixed (-2.34, 1)

Answer 2, authority 57%

There is no direct analogue. You can try

a = float ('{:. 3f}'. format (x))


& gt; & gt; & gt; x = 3.1234567
& gt; & gt; & gt; x = float ('{:. 3f}'. format (x))
& gt; & gt; & gt; x

Answer 3, authority 29%

This is how you can specify the number of decimal places in the output:

a = [1000, 2.4, 2.23456754323456, 2754.344]
for i in a:
  print ('%. 3f'% i) # 3 decimal places



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Answer 4, authority 7%

def toFixed (f: float, n = 0):
  a, b = str (f) .split ('.')
  return '{}. {} {}'. format (a, b [: n], '0' * (n-len (b)))
f = 7.123
print (toFixed (f, 10)) # 7.1230000000
print (toFixed (f, 2)) # 7.12

Answer 5, authority 7%

It seems to me that you are complicating things a little. There is a wonderful round () function, into which you can pass a number, and, separated by commas, pass the number of characters after. Since there will still be rounding there

d = round (3.14, 1)
print (d) # 3.1

Answer 6

I am using the built-in module for this. It is clear that it returns Decimal, but I then convert it back to float.

from decimal import Decimal
number = Decimal ('0.424242')
number = number.quantize (Decimal ('1.000'))
number = float (number)
# returns true because both data types are now float
print (0.424 == number)

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