Home python python keyboard.add_hotkey (): How to properly save hot keys?

python keyboard.add_hotkey (): How to properly save hot keys?




In one of the applications on the library Keyboard , try to implement the installation And the subsequent saving of hot (s) keys (s), in order to after restarting the application, the buttons have been loaded, installed and they were not necessary to bind.

Documentation: Link to the documentation on the Keyboard library

Store buttons in the database, I use SQLite


  1. If in the database is empty, create a button value and call the key listening to.
  2. using the bindig function called or keyboard key
  3. Algorithm defines this key, or several and adds to keyboard.add_hotkey () , after which it saves.
  4. If you are not empty when entering in the database – gets the value and also sets keyboard.add_hotkey () .


everything works, but there is one but. The value of the key is defined by the current layout. If you save the key / combination of the keys in Russian, then, when I run the application with an enabled English layout, Keyboard will give an error about what does not know, for example, the h key “. Similarly, when moving from English layouts to Russian.

  • if you save the buttons through the keyboard.hook () , then from the transmitted event, you can get as the name of the button – “k” / “l” and its code – 37. And if the binid is already code, then the problems do not occur, because the button code is common to both layouts. But I need the ability to bing 2 keys, and keyboard.hook () immediately sends event when you click one.
  • I tried to receive buttons codes via keyboard.key_to_scan_codes () , but in this case they cannot be borne through the keyboard.add_hotkey () method, since it takes the value Key either in the form of a string: 'alt + f' or in the form of a number. And if I want to record a key combination in the form of int – I will receive the sum of these numbers, that is, a completely different key.


keyboard.add_hotkey ('Ctrl + Shift', Callback) ⬅⬅⬅⬅⬅ true
Keyboard.Add_hotkey (29, Callback) ⬅⬅⬅⬅⬅ true (29 - CTRL button code)
keyboard.add_hotkey (16 + 17, callback) ⬅⬅⬅⬅⬅ true (16 - Q, 17 - w, but as a result we get 33 - button F)
keyboard.add_hotkey ('16 +17 ', callback) ⬅⬅⬅⬅⬅ FALSE (16 - Q, 17 - W, but Keyboard says that these are unknown keys)

code: (not sure what is needed)

import keyboard, sqlite3
Def Callback ():
  Print ('Function is called')
  Print ('Press the / COMMUNICATION key' key ')
  Key = Keyboard.Read_HotKey (Suppress = False)
  Key = Str (Key) .split ('+')
  IF Len (Key) == 2:
    Print (F "Two Two Buttons: {Key [0] .upper ()}, {Key [1] .upper ()} ')
    Key = F '{Key [0]} + {Key [1]}'
  ELIF LEN (KEY) == 1:
    Print (F "One button: {Key [0] .upper ()} ')
    Key = Key [0]
  Keyboard.add_hotkey (Key, Callback, Suppress = False)
  SQL.EXECUTE (F "Select Button from Test WHERE Button = '{Key}'")
  if sql.fetchone () is none:
    db.commit ()
    Print ('keys saved')
  keyboard.wait ()
DB = SQLite3.Connect ('db.db')
SQL = db.cursor ()
db.commit ()
Key = SQL.Fetchone ()
If Key! = None:
  Keyboard.add_hotkey (Key [0], Callback, Suppress = False)
  keyboard.wait ()
  bind_keys ()

Answer 1, Authority 100%

The most logical – save key names in dictionary of type

keys = {
  'W': 'C',
  'A': 'F',
  's': 's',
  'D': 'in'

And then, checking the current layout, like this

import ctypes
def get_layout ():
   u = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary ("user32.dll")
   pf = getattr (u, "GetKeyboardLayout")
   if hex (pf (0)) == '0x4190419':
     return 'ru'
   if hex (pf (0)) == '0x4090409':
     return 'en'

Set keyboard shortcuts already by dictionary values:

keyboard.add_hotkey (f "{keys ['ctrl']} + {keys ['shift']}" , callback)

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